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Use of Technology for Census Data Analysis and dissemination with special reference to the CensusInfo Dashboard V. Hekali Zhimomi, Director, Census Operations,

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Presentation on theme: "Use of Technology for Census Data Analysis and dissemination with special reference to the CensusInfo Dashboard V. Hekali Zhimomi, Director, Census Operations,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Use of Technology for Census Data Analysis and dissemination with special reference to the CensusInfo Dashboard V. Hekali Zhimomi, Director, Census Operations, Nagaland  International Seminar on Population and Housing Censuses: Beyond the 2010 Round in Seoul, Republic of Korea - 27 to 29 November 2012

2 Indian Census… 1st complete Census conducted in 1881
2011 Census was the 15th Census which covered Billion people 2011 Indian Census – biggest peacetime operation in the history of mankind 2011 Census was held in two phases: Houselisting & Housing Census(April to September 2010) Population Enumeration (9th to 28th February 2011)

3 Some Facts about Census India 2011
Cost USD 445 Mn Cost per person USD 0.37 No. of Census Functionaries 2.7 Mn No. of Languages in which Schedules were canvassed 16 No. of Languages in which Training Manuals prepared 18 No. of Schedules Printed 340 Mn No. of Training Manuals Printed 5.4 Mn Paper Utilised 8,000 MTs Material Transported 10,500 MTs

4 Data processing and Analysis

5 Data analysis & processing: a mammoth task in India…
Number of Administrative Units in Census 2011 States/UTs 35 Districts 640 Sub-districts 5,924 Towns 7,935 Villages 0.64 million 1.2 Billion People … More than a 6th / 17.5% of the worlds population - More than 2000 ethnic groups - All major religions of the world represented - Only the continent of Africa exceeds the linguistic, genetic and cultural diversity of the nation of India.

6 House to house canvassing
Census 2011 Process House to house canvassing Image based Recognition (ICR) Scanning Data Dissemination Database/ Tabulation Manual completion of unrecognized characters Image validation

7 Data processing & Analysis
India has always been in the forefront of using the latest technologies. Census 2001: India was one of the first countries to use the image based Automatic Form Processing Technology taking the help of High Speed Duplex Scanners for image capturing. Census 2011: India has adopted more developed ICR Technology with advanced features. Uses the unique TILE module which optimizes data accuracy with a systemized display of characters grouped together to allow easy identification. Tiling system makes it possible to identify which characters are correct and which are not and allows the marking of rejected characters.

8 Data processing & Analysis…
ORGI creates two seperate databases, the Houselisting & Housing Census Data (at Household level) and the Population Enumeration Data (at individual member of the Household level) Attempts made to link these two databases to cross-tabulate information e.g cross tabs on Condition of Housing with Economic Condition, etc. Boundary of the Enumeration Areas (EA) have been kept unchanged during the two phases of the Census operation and provision has been made in the Household Questionnaire (Phase 2 Operation) to record the Household Number marked in the Phase 1 Operation Although the ORGI has made an effort to generate and release time series tables from previous census there are challenging issues as many jurisdictional changes occur, new villages and towns are created. Hence an attempt is underway to link the databases available since 1991 Census on jurisdictional changes upto Town and Village levels in the country.

9 Beyond Census 2011… Provisional Population Totals for India and States manually compiled and declared within four weeks. Scanning of filled-in schedules completed Extensive quality check and data validation has been undertaken at each stage of data processing and analyses, using the CS Pro Software. Already published Tables on Houses, Household Amenities and Assets. The task of data checking and validation has been made far easier and quicker with the aid of technology

10 Census Data Processing-17 locations
ASCII FILE Export/Archival Exception Completion Tiling Recognition Scanning Prepare Batch

11 DATA DISSEMINATION “A census is not complete until the data is disseminated and used,” Dr. C. Chandramouli Registrar General of India

12 The Government of India relies heavily on the Census data in formulating its Five-Year plans, Annual plans and various other welfare schemes Biggest source of primary data on: Demography, Economic Activity, Literacy & Education, Housing & Household Amenities, Urbanization, Fertility and Mortality, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Language, Religion & Migration Questions canvassed during the Census covers a wide gamut of information pertaining to every resident : Houselisting Questionaire – 35 questions/Population enumeration – 29 questions. forms an important basis for formulating socio-economic and administrative policies.

13 Data Dissemination Units: Hubs of information
Following 2001 Indian Census, the Office of the Registrar General India framed a Data Dissemination Strategy to be followed in all the 33 Directorates In 2002, a Data Dissemination unit (DDU) was set up in all the Directorates DDUs have the latest facilities and technology, and upgraded at regular intervals

14 Modes of Data Dissemination
Printed reports (tables, State profiles, Analytical reports, Data Sheets on important topics, Atlas, Booklets) CDs, DVDs including subject specific CDs Website and downloadable files in the official Census website. Social networking site – Facebook/Twitter Intranet facility at ORGI CensusInfo (Census India 2001 data disseminated using CensusInfo through an interactive CD). The Provisional data of Census 2011 already on CensusInfo India Dashboard Workshops/Seminars Digital Archive of Old Census Reports (1872 to 2011) in 33 DCOs in process A software module on Decision Support System (DSS) is being developed. Census in Schools project Workstation in JNU for researchers - database of more than a billion persons as collected in Census after anonymizing the sensitive fields. 18 more workstations in process with different universities Website: Website and downloadable files in the official Census website. An important part of the Census website relates to GIS application which extends the facility of generating thematic maps based on 2001 Census Workshops: to sensitize data users about availability and use of census data. Series of Data Dissemination workshops and seminars are being held every year to promote the usage of Census data to different types of users and sensitize potential users about the availability of a wide array of demographic, economic and education data.

15 Census of India Website

16 Census of India 2011: Facebook

17 Census of India 2011 :Twitter

18 Use of CensusInfo for data dissemination
- an innovative and flexible database technology for the dissemination of population and housing census results - Free software, owned by UN - adapted from DevInfo database technology - simple and user-friendly features that can be used to produce tables, graphs and maps for inclusion in reports, presentations and advocacy materials Customization of the system to country-specific requirements, including the name of the system, images, graphics, logos and colour scheme. - Supports local languages across unlimited geographic levels. - Data can be exported to XLS, HTML, PDF, CSV and XML files. 

19 CensusInfo India For the first time in 2002, the Office of the Registrar General, India, has used the CensusInfo to disseminate census data. CensusInfo was further updated with Data on Housing amenities and Assets – 2001 and Primary Census Abstract – Census 2001

20 Census Info India 2001

21 Census Info India, 2001

22 CensusInfo Dashboards
The Global CensusInfo Dashboard represents the latest, most advanced and engaging CensusInfo application that permits impactful presentation of national census data from across the world Users can easily view the profile of any country from a drop down list or by clicking on the map in the form of tables, graphs and maps Dashboard provides a single-view thematic presentation of selected census-based indicators Presents consolidated view of a wide range of data on the basis of various geographic locations and indicators The Dashboard is expected to enhance the mission of CensusInfo in making national census data more accessible and user-friendly, thereby promoting its wider use Indicators : population by urban and rural areas; population by sex; population by age and sex; population by marital status; and, population by literacy

23 CensusInfo India Dashboard
India has adapted CensusInfo for the presentation of a selected, high-priority set of indicators at the National, State and District levels Allows users to view data in an interactive manner The Provisional Population Totals of Census 2011 is already presented using CensusInfo Dashboard on the ORGI website which allows users to generate quick profiles in the form of tables, graphs and maps Users can access data on various indicators such as total population size, child population, population density, sex ratio, literates and literacy rates CensusInfo India Dashboard

24 Cont…. Files can be exported to PDF format
Users can access data on the basis of National, State and District with a single click of the button. Select a State on drop down list, and get the State profile; similarly, District profiles can be generated. One can also click on the map to generate the State and District data User can easily generate State /District wise Comparisons of the various listed indicators through a drop down menu Shortly, data on Housing and Household amenities and assets and Primary Census Abstract will also be disseminated using CensusInfo India

25 Popularizing CensusInfo India
Launching of CensusInfo 2012 cum National Workshop on 26 – 27 Nov by Union Home Minister, India National workshop: training on CensusInfo which includes demonstration of the software, hands on training on generating tables and graphs, using map for exploratory analysis and preparing presentations Workshops for prospective users in every Directorate in respective States within 15th December, 2012.







32 Decision Support System
DSS is to be developed to access latest Census Data at District, Block and Village/Town level for use in planning. Datasets to be used for DSS: Primary Census Abstract at village/town level Village and Town Directory data as collected through State Governments. Linking of village level data with maps will enable to identify less developed regions/villages in terms of infrastructure and amenities. Back







39 Census in Schools… Reading material on Census Data would be prepared in attractive designs and styles in regional languages It is proposed to send one School Kit on Census data to 100 schools per district in all the districts in the country. It is envisaged that by introducing the importance of Census data to future users/decision makers, usage of data will enhanced. Back

40 Click on any country on the map to view its profile

41 Drop down list containing various indicators for comparison

42 CONCLUSION Censusinfo has been a boon for India. It is envisaged that CensusInfo will aid in better and quicker dissemination of data, reaching a wider audience Fact: Certain sections of society in any country do not have access to technology - As per Census India 2011, Million households (6.3% of total population)  in India have computers/laptops in their homes with 7.6  Million households having internet connection million broadband subscribers as per the Telephone regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). Challenge: Effectively disseminating data to those at the grassroot level Action/Solution: A combination of the latest technology incorporated into the traditional methods of dissemination of data will pave the way in ensuring easy accessibility of data to reach a wider audience, including the users at the grassroot level


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