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Xiangwei Meng Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, Beijing

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1 Xiangwei Meng Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, Beijing
First Workshop of the CMS Quarkonium Task Force Sep , SUMMARY Xiangwei Meng Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, Beijing Sep. 25 , 2009 CMS B-physics Group Meeting 08,28,2008

2 CMS B-physics Group Meeting 08,28,2008
Contents 2 days 20 reports ~30 persons Techniques: CDF’s experience* The CMS trigger strategy and quarkonium physics From T0 to your desktop: the CMS data flow quality criteria for the global and tracker muons* Onia event yields vs. luminosity* Fitting functions for the dimuon mass peaks* Quarkonia models and event generation; bridges with theory …….. Physics From the J/psi to the b harond pt x-section chi_c and chi_b production Upsilon->mu mu Upsilon -> e+e- J/Psi polarization/Upsilon polarization tutorial: luminosity information in the data run the general tag and probe code CMS B-physics Group Meeting 08,28,2008

3 Quarkonium Physics at the Tevatron
James Russ Carnegie Mellon University theoretical models to try to match vector meson data from Tevatron and HERA cross section problem  CSM  NRQCD polarization problems with NRQCD  multi-gluon models recent considerations: questions about kT factorization approach, Q fragmentation effects at Tevatron Experimental results: J/  and (2S) cross section and polarization from CDF (1S) and (2S) polarization from D0 brand new results on (1S) polarization from CDF CDF work on new charmonia X(3872) and Y(4140) J/ Analysis to Handle b-Decay Events Two approaches discriminate based on muon miss distance at primary vertex to separate prompt/decay make joint mass-lifetime fit to identify prompt/decay CDF has used each to good avail miss distance analysis is faster joint fit gives best yield estimate for cross section CMS B-physics Group Meeting 08,28,2008

4 X(3872) & another New State – Y(4140)
Measure JP at a hadron machine? Yes! pp mass distribution sensitive to orbital angular momentum in decay and hence to parent’s spin-parity Top: fit to expected shape for (2S)  (1S)pp (validate) Bottom: fit to L=0 and L=1 for X(3872)  (1S)pp The X(3872) tries to decay to J/r … but it’s too light. Belle observes another threshold J/V state in B decays: Y(3930)  J/ w CDF used its huge B  J/ X sample to look for a narrow J/ f state near threshold No good theory for these objects, but interesting experimental pattern. CMS B-physics Group Meeting 08,28,2008

5 Glob & Trk Muon selection: low pT
David Lopes Pegna (Princeton University) Mario Peliccioni (INFN & University of Torino) need any cut to clean up the global muons? Yes! Main background sources from muons from kaon/pion decays (decay-in-flight) and Kaons/pions that reach the muon system (punch-through) the global muon algorithm is not extremely efficient at low pT Tracker muons help to recover the low pT part of the muon spectrum But higher fake rate from punch-through and DIF Access Chi2/NDF(<10), Nhits(>12) from inner(global) track associated to tracker(global) reco::muon Additional variables are provided in the external function (in 3_X) bool muon::isGoodMuon( const reco::Muon& muon, muon::SelectionType type ) Trk Muons: Summary of cuts 22X(31X) Arbitration TM2DCompatibilityLoose OneStationTight μ χ2 silicon fit < 1.9 μ inner hits > 11(12) CMS B-physics Group Meeting 08,28,2008

6 Fitting functions for the dimuon mass peaks
Sara Bolognesi, CERN Fitting functions for the dimuon mass peaks a look to the scale and resolution behavior In the present analyses usually each peak is fit with 2 gaussians(+ background shape linear or exponential) because: bias in the muon scale can shift the mass peak: if bias depends on muon η, pT →different shift peak in different kinematic regions 􀂃resolution on the muon pT(→width of dimuon mass peak) changesas a function of muon ηand pT tracker geometry material budget CMS B-physics Group Meeting 08,28,2008

7 Onia event yields vs. luminosity
Zongchang Yang1, Roberto Covarelli2, Fabrizio Palla3 1) University of Tennessee, 2) CERN, 3) INFN Pisa Onia event yields vs. luminosity Summer09 TeV MC samples Nevts(M) X-sec. (mb) Int. Lumi(pb-1) prompt J/y->m+m (0.809) B->J/y->m+m Upsilon(1S)->m+m E-3 55 (0.707) Pp->m+X (0.939) ~5 pb-1 data are collected before the menu changes Total ~50 pb-1 data of the 7 TeVcollisions First cross section measurement at 5 pb-1integral luminosity –J/psi yields: 0.3 M (global+global), 0.25 M (global+tracker), 0.55 M (global+calo) –J/psi yeilduncertainties: 0.002, 0.006, 0.009 –Upsilon yields: 16 K, 6 K, 6K –Upsilon yeilduncertainties: 0.02, 0.08, 0.7 Lower-purity (tracker and calo) muons: –can be useful for J/ywith single muontrigger before the menu changes –do not improve the signal in double muontriggers HLT_DoubleMu0 is a good choice after menu changes CMS B-physics Group Meeting 08,28,2008

8 Skimming for the Onia studies, 1E31 trig path & new Gen by EvtGen
Skimming should always keep all the useful information for the analysis. –Filter on two muons with invariant mass cut (>2 GeV/c2) –Additional cuts on muon qualities: global, tracker and calomuons –Reduce the event size to 150 KB/evt –A reasonable total data size CMS B-physics Group Meeting 08,28,2008

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