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Vocab 11 9 Honors Alacrity – Strife.

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1 Vocab 11 9 Honors Alacrity – Strife

2 alacrity N Cheerful readiness or eagerness to respond
Synonym: preparedness Adam approached the problem with alacrity.

3 Aristocratic Adj Of noble birth; snobbish Synonym: noble
The aristocratic man believed that he was better than the rest of the town.

4 Burgeon V To expand; to flourish Synonym: to thrive
After enrolling in several art classes, Patricia’s talent for watercolors burgeoned, and she won several awards.

5 Compelling Adj Forceful; causing to yield Synonym: captivating
The lawyer’s compelling evidence caused the jury to rule that the defendant was not guilty.

6 Cursory Adj Hasty; superficial Synonym: casual
After giving the article a cursory glance, the teacher attempted to tell the students about it; however, she was not prepared to discuss it at length.

7 Distend V To swell; to expand a great deal Synonym: to swell
The balloon distended when the child filled it with water.

8 Existential Adj Having to do with existence Synonym: experiential
Simon joked that choosing what kind of pizza toppings he wanted was an existential crisis.

9 Gratuitous Adj Unjustified; unprovoked; uncalled for
Synonym: unwarranted The gratuitous violence in the film interfered with the storyline.

10 Inert Adj Inactive; sluggish Synonym: unmoving
Peter’s inert body indicated that he was still fast asleep.

11 Lucid Adj Clear; easy to understand Synonym: apparent
The student’s lucid remark helped the class to better understand the difficult text.

12 Nebulous Adj Vague; hazy Synonym: indistinct
The nebulous details of the plan were hard to figure out.

13 Penchant N A strong liking for something Synonym: fondness
Michaela’s penchant for Italian food caused her to pick pasta for dinner.

14 Proponent N An advocate for a cause Synonym: a supporter
Many celebrities are proponents of charities and dedicate their time and effort to support a cause.

15 Rhetoric N The art of formal speaking or writing Synonym: discourse
The presenter excelled at rhetoric and was able to speak eloquently to a large group of people.

16 Strife N A bitter conflict; discord Synonym: a struggle
In an effort to avoid further strife, Monica and Alecia attempted to make up before their fight got any worse.

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