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O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth

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1 O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth
A Collection of Lutheran Music ‘Christian Worship’ Edition Hymn #400 O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth Text: Martin H. Franzmann, WITTENBERG NEW Tune: Jan O. Bender, PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler

2 #400 - O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth
[1] O ***, * **** ** ****'* *** earth, Your ****** ****** ***** wrote That **** ****** ** ** ******* mote, A ********* ***** **** ****** birth. Your **** ***** **** ********** hurled In ******** ******* **** ****** world; Since ***** ***** *** **** began, You **** *** ** * **** plan.

3 #400 - O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth
[2] In ***** ****** ** ***** *** see That ***** ***** ******* ***** *** night. We ****** *** **** ** **** *** spite Your ******** **** ** liberty. We ****** ** ** **** ***** ** doom, Where ***** *** ***** ***** *** room, Until **** *******, ****** ** Peace, Broke **** *** ***** *** *** release.

4 #400 - O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth
[3] You **** **** *** **** ** death, O ******, ** ******* *** ******** air, To ***** *** ** *** **** despair That ********* *** ********* breath, How ********* *** **** **** trod The **** ** ***** **** **** **** God! How ********* *** **** **** bring Good ******* ** *** ****** King!

5 #400 - O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth
[4] O ******, *** *** **** restore The ****** **** ** ***** *** recall The ******* ** **** **** ** all: Breathe ** **** ****** ****** **** more That ** ***** **** *** ****** days There *** ** ***** ***** **** ** praise, Each **** * **** doxology Unto *** **** Trinity.

6 A Collection of Lutheran Music
Text: © 1969 Concordia Publishing House Tune: © 1967 Augsburg Fortress PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler

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