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I also brought the code up in a browser.

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Presentation on theme: "I also brought the code up in a browser."— Presentation transcript:

1 I also brought the code up in a browser.

2 When I execute PHP it shows the code that has been resolved for the browser.

3 This shows the actual PHP code.
This is the result of view source at the browser.


5 These two lines for XHTML are what I recommend if you want to show the strict link. The <?xml is a problem.

6 No output.


8 This shows a variety of ways to display the contents of a variable called $dog.

9 Here I am starting with an HTML page that takes in two fields
Here I am starting with an HTML page that takes in two fields. Those fields will be sent to the program called formuse.php using the get method.



12 Note that you can see the data being passed.

13 In this one, the HTML passed using the method post.

14 Passing with a href based on know how the get passes data.

15 This is the receive1.php that received the data.




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