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Romeo and Juliet Day 5 Spring 2016.

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1 Romeo and Juliet Day 5 Spring 2016

2 Plan for the day SSR & Reflections
Share and turn in Sonnets and Annotations Act II – Group Activity Jigsaw – Present a summary, cutting, and theme statement for your assigned scene. Watch Romeo and Juliet (1968) – Balcony Scene Discussion – Why is this scene considered the penultimate love scene? Where have you seen echoes of this scene in literature, art, etc.? HW: Read Romeo and Juliet III.i-iii.

3 SSR Reflections – Interpretation
Journal for two minutes responding personally to what you just read. This could be translating a passage in your own words, interpreting/summarizing key ideas, etc.

4 Learning Targets I will be able to analyze the character, conflict, plot, and setting of each scene as it develops through the course of the text. I will be able to collaborate for the common purpose of helping advance our collective understanding of the text. I will be able to discuss and analyze the reasoning behind aesthetic appeal.

5 Sonnet Imitation/Annotation
Share out and discuss What did you discover about Shakespeare, the characters/ theme/conflict in Romeo and Juliet, or yourselves through this assignment?

6 Act II Group Activity – Part I
In your group, discuss your scene (setting, action, time of day, characters, conflict, etc.) Prepare a scene summary that you will present to the class. Identify a “cutting” (key exchange between characters) that you will perform for the class. All MUST ACT!!! Assign additional parts to set your stage! Create a thesis statement that predicts the theme and argues what Shakespeare is saying to his audience about love.

7 Act II Group Activity – Part II
Present your scene summary, perform your key exchange between characters, and offer your thesis statement. Audience members will need to take notes to add summaries to your journals.

8 Activity Processing What knew insights did you learn through competing this activity? How did this activity help us meet our targets? Take a moment to be sure you have summary entries for Prologue through Act II. Note day/time, setting, characters, conflict, main action, tone, style, etc. What does Shakespeare suggest about love/romance in this scene.

9 Balcony Scene Impressions/observations of the 1968 film?
Why is this scene considered the penultimate love scene? What do you notice about the positioning of the characters? Petrarchan or Shakespearean presentation of love? Where have you seen echoes of this scene in literature, art, etc.? What is the significance? What is the aesthetic appeal?

10 Homework Homework: Read Romeo and Juliet III.i-iii.

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