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Balancing Redox Reactions using the ½ Reaction Method

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1 Balancing Redox Reactions using the ½ Reaction Method

2 Half Reaction Half reaction – one of the two parts of a redox reaction
One half will be oxidation One half will be reduction

3 Step to Balancing Half Reaction Method
Separate the reactions into 2 half reactions (one for oxidation & one for reduction) Balance each ½ reaction in the following order: Balance elements other than H & O Balance O by adding H2O Balance H by adding H+ Balance the charge to make each side equal

4 Step to Balancing Half Reaction Method
Multiply each ½ reaction by a number to make the number of electrons gained = the number of electrons lost Add the ½ reactions Simplify Check your work Tip – Break things into ions or binary compounds

5 Example Fe + CuSO4  Cu + Fe2(SO4)3 ( ) 3
Fe  2Fe +3 2Fe  2Fe +3 0  +6 0  (+6e-) 2Fe  2Fe +3 +6e- Cu +2  Cu +2  0 e-  0 Cu e-  Cu 3Cu e-  3Cu ( ) 3 2Fe + 3Cu e-  2Fe +3 +6e- + 3Cu x x 2Fe + 3Cu +2  2Fe Cu

6 Another Example AsO4 -3 + Zn  H3As + Zn +2 ( )4 Zn  Zn +2 0 +2
AsO4 -3  H3As AsO4 -3  H3As + 4H2O 11 H+ +AsO4 -3  H3As + 4H2O (+8 e-) 11 H+ +AsO e-  H3As + 4H2O Zn  Zn +2 (+2 e-) Zn  Zn e- 4Zn  4Zn e- ( )4 11H+ +AsO e- + 4Zn H3As + 4H2O + 4Zn e- 11H+ +AsO Zn H3As + 4H2O + 4Zn +2

7 Try This one… MnO4 -1 + C2O4 -2  Mn +2 + CO2
2MnO H++ 5C2O4-2  2Mn+2 +8H2O + 10CO2

8 Last one… KMnO4 + HCl  KCl + MnCl2 + H2O + Cl2
16 H+ + 2MnO Cl-  2Mn +2 +8H2O + 5Cl2

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