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Human circulatory system.

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1 Human circulatory system

2 ARTERIES-carry blood away from heart ♥
BLOOD VESSELS: ARTERIES-carry blood away from heart ♥ -thick, elastic walls (blood is bright red as it has a high amount of Oxygen.. Oxygenated) ARTERIOLES- smallest artery VEINS- return blood to the heart ♥ -contains valves to stop back flow of blood (blood in a vein is NOT blue it is red… just not as bright red as it does not have Oxygen.. Deoxygenated) CAPPILARIES- connect arteries and veins -thin walls for exchange of material in and out of blood - blood cells travel in single file through

3 HEART: pump that moves blood through the body
A pericardium is a tough membrane surrounding and protecting the heart ♥ Right atrium Left atrium Right ventricle Left ventricle

4 Veins carry blood to the heart
Arteries carry blood away from the heart Capillaries are the site of gas and nutrient diffusion as the blood cells have to travel single file and are in conctact with the walls of the blood vessel so they can diffuse.

SYSTOLE= Contraction The heart beat is made up from the diastole and systole making a “lub-dup” sound (the sound is the valves opening and closing) How does the heart contract? Nervous system controls the contraction of cardiac muscle Atrium functions as one and as well the ventricles; This is a systematic pattern

6 Your heart beat changes as your body’s need for oxygen changes.
During exercise your heart beat can increase to 200 beats per minute. Athletes have a lower heart rate than the average person.

7 Electrocardiogram (EKG)
Machine that records heart contractions to check heart

8 Blood pressure Arteries are elastic to control pressure between ventricle pumps

9 Sphygmomanometer Blood pressure measuring machine
The average normal blood over is 120 over 60

10 3 Types of Body Circulation
Coronary supplies blood to the heart Hepatic-Portal supplies blood to the digestive system and liver (^ glucose levels) Renal supplies blood to kidneys (^ % of wastes on way to the kidneys)

11 Pathways of Circulation
Pulmonary artery only artery that carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs to get oxygen 2. - Pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood to the left atrium (the only vein that carries oxygenated blood)


13 **Systemic Circulation summary**
Right Atrium  Right Ventricle Pulmonary Artery Lungs  Pulmonary Vein Left Atrium  Left Ventricle Aorta Capillaries  Veins Superior Vena Cava- Upper body or the Inferior Vena Cava- Lower body

14 Pathway of blood through the heart (memorize this…)

15 Lymph System Intercellualry Fluid:
Fluid helps move materials between capillaries and the cells Contains water, salt, protein and nutrients

16 Without the lymph system the constant loss of fluid from the blood would drain the circulatory system and you would die. The lymph system has capillaries and veins without valves

17 Nodes and Ducts They hold the lymph until it returns to the blood through the veins. Nodes also filter foreign matter from the lymph. This prevents illness such a cancer, bacterial infections and other diseases.

18 White blood cells are found in the lymph nodes to destroy the foreign matter.

19 Spleen part of the lymph system and it filters out bacteria and worn out red blood cells from the blood

20 BLOOD A. Plasma B. Red Blood Cells C. White Blood Cells D. Platelets

21 The three functions of blood are:
1. transportation of nutrients and gases 2. regulation of hormone and sugar levels 3. protection from infection and loss of blood (clot blood)

22 A. Plasma Clear liquid 90% is water
10% is dissolved salt, glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, mineral, enzymes, hormones, waste and protein.

23 B. Red Blood Cells Called Erythrocytes Transport oxygen
Contain Hemoglobin. The iron protein called hemoglobin picks up oxygen and then carries it to the cells as it travels through the body.

24 C. White Blood Cells Called leukocytes Defenders of the body
Produced in the bone marrow and the lymph system Move like an ameba to engulf and digest foreign bodies When someone has an infection there is an increase of white blood cells in the body.

25 C. Platelets Are responsible for the blood clotting when someone has a cut that needs to be healed.

26 Malfunctions of the Circulatory System

27 Vericose Veins When the valves of the veins do not work and blood does not flow back to the heart properly.


29 Hypertension High Blood Pressure
An elevation of the systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure increases the risk of developing heart (cardiac) disease, kidney disease, hardening of the arteries eye damage, and stroke. These complications of hypertension are often referred to as end-organ damage because damage to these organs is the end result of chronic high blood pressure

30 Atherosclerosis Hardening of the arteries (cholesterol and fatty acids
collect and make the arteries smaller) This often causes hypertension which is also known as high blood pressure

31 Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaque builds up inside your arteries.

32 Stroke Stroke can cause serious health impairment's or even death.
By studying the brains of those that have had a stroke, we are able to learn what parts of our brain control what.

33 Stroke The blood flow to the brain is stopped or blocked.

34 Heart Attack Blood flow to the heart is blocked or stopped.

35 Leukemia Cancer of the white cell production

36 Leukemia Cancer of the blood cells.
Abnormal cells multiply out of control to such an extent that normal blood cells are unable to develop. Leukemia starts in the bone marrow—the soft, spongy material inside bones where blood cells develop from stem cells. Leukemia most often affects the white blood cells, which protect the body against infection

37 Leukemia Cells

38 Hemophilia disease where the person lacks the platelets to clot the blood and the person can bleed to death

39 Anemia Disorder where hemoglobin is not working correctly and
the person does not get enough oxygen to the body cells

40 Anemia Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells. Red blood cells provide oxygen to body tissues. Hemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying protein inside red blood cells. It gives red blood cells their red color. People with anemia do not have enough hemoglobin.

41 Sickle Cell Anemia a serious disorder in which the body makes sickle-shaped red blood cells. “Sickle-shaped” means that the red blood cells are shaped like a crescent. Sickle cells contain abnormal hemoglobin that causes the cells to have a sickle, or crescent, shape. These cells don't move easily through your blood vessels. They're stiff and sticky and tend to form clumps and get stuck in the blood vessels

42 Sickle Cell

43 Arrhythmias and Pacemakers
Pacemakers are used to treat arrhythmias. Arrhythmias are problems with the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat A pacemaker is a small device that's placed in the chest or abdomen to help control abnormal heart rhythms. This device uses low-energy electrical pulses to prompt the heart to beat at a normal rate. 


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