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A Gift for the King (2 Samuel 23:8-16)

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1 A Gift for the King (2 Samuel 23:8-16)
If I acknowledge Jesus to be the King of kings, I must allow Him to be King over me. If Christ is on the throne in my heard, I can have no other King – not myself, or an idol such as money, pleasure, or lust. (2 Samuel 23:8-16)

2 Jesus Christ is our King
He is the “Son of David” who came to sit on David’s throne (Luke 1:32; Matthew 2:1-2; 21:1-10; Acts 2:30-31) We are His devoted soldiers We fight for Him (1 Timothy 6:12-15) We strive to please Him (2 Timothy 2:4) We want to fulfill His every wish! (Matthew 10:37-39; John 12:3) We stand ready to give our lives in His service (Acts 15:26; 20:24; 21:13)

3 Our Gift for the King We serve Him by serving others
We do good in His name! (Acts 3:6; Mark 9:41) We use our gifts to glorify His name! (1 Peter 4:9-11; Acts 4:33-35; Hebrews 6:10) When we serve others, we serve Him (Mark 9:36-37; Matthew 18:5; 25:34-40)

4 Assembling to Worship in Zimbabwe

5 Daily Life in the Villages of Zimbabwe

6 Let us aspire to be the water!
“Yes, and if I am being poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all.” Philippians 2:17 “For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand.” Timothy 4:6 

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