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I Am A Church Member Series What Is Membership and

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1 I Am A Church Member Series What Is Membership and
What are the Expectations? 1 Corinthians 12:12-13:13


3 2/3 of Builder generations (those born before 1946) are Christians.
9 out of 10 churches in America are declining or growing at a pace that is slower than that of their communities. Simply stated, churches are LOSING GROUND in their own backyard. 15% of the Millennials (those born between and 2000) are Christians. (They are the largest generation in America’s history with 80 million, and we have all but lost that generation).

4 Here are some other church statistics we’re refreshing your mind about:
The latest research on church attendance can be found in The American Church in Crisis by David T. Olson, with research based on data from 200,000+ churches. And, the U.S. Religious Landscape Survey by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, has analysis based on interviews with 35, American adults. In America, 3,500 – 4,000 churches close their doors each year. (Some estimate it may be as high as 7,000 churches) Half of all churches last year did not add one new member through conversion growth.

5 1,500 pastors in America leave the ministry

6 Rainer states that instead of blaming it
Who is to blame? Rainer states that instead of blaming it on secular culture, godless politics of our nation and even on churches, the uncaring pastors and even hypocrites.

7 Rainer says take a look in the mirror
Congregations are weak because many of us church members have lost the biblical meaning of what it means to be a part of the body of Christ. Notice We join churches expecting others to serve us, to feed us, and to care for us. We don’t like the hypocrites in the church, but we fail to see our own hypocrisies.

8 God did not give us to local churches to become country clubs, where membership means we have privileges and perks. He placed us in churches to serve, to care for others, to pray for leaders, to learn, to give, and, in some cases, to die for the sake of the gospel

9 Many churches are weak because they have turned the meaning of membership upside down. It’s time to become a church members as God intended. It’s time to give instead of being entitled. To be successful on this journey we are about to embark upon, you will need two things: 1. Develop a new or renewed attitude about church. You will learn the joy of being last instead of seeking to be first. Instead of being a whiner complaining about what’s wrong with your church, you will be a unifier seeking what’s best for your church.

10 2. Immanuel will begin to change
2. Immanuel will begin to change. It will become healthier because one of its members is healthier. And as the church gets healthier, we will have greater impact on our community and the world. The reason why our nation is sick is because our churches are unhealthy. Nine out of ten churches are no longer reaching their communities.

11 What Is Membership It is Biblical
The term member is not used in the Bible (neither is trinity) but the concept of commitment certainly is. The word partnership is used and that is a very good way of understanding membership. In Philippians 1:5 Paul wrote, "I thank my God for your partnership in the Gospel." He knew Philippi's committed people were what caused the church to succeed. Throughout the Bible believers were identified with a local church whether in Corinth, Ephesus, Colossae or other cities. One of the major themes of the Bible is commitment and there is no better way to commit than becoming a member of a church.

12 I will be a FUNCTIONING Church Member
Necessary Parts of the WHOLE 1 Corinthians 12:27-28 We are different, but we still work TOGETHER 1 Corinthians 12:26 Everything we say and do is based on the Biblical Foundation of LOVE I Corinthians 13:4-5 The Key: GIVE ABUNDANTLY And SERVE WITHOUT HESITATION Pledge #1 Introduction: A Tale of 2 Church Members Country Club Mentality of Membership Scenario Best Ongoing Questions, How Can I Best Serve My Church?

13 I will be a UNIFYING Church Member
UNITY Eph 1:15-16, Eph4:1-3 Avoid the “G” word Romans1:29-31, James 3:6 FORGIVENESS & UNITY Matt 6:14-15, Colossians 3:12-13 Pledge #2 John 13:35 says: The world will know if we are Christians or not by the way we act towards each other. Unity is vital to the health of the church…it is demanded by God. Love unconditionally. Sacrifice to keep unity. “love life, See good days, control your tongue, stop the gossip, BE A UNIFIER” Forgiveness can be liberating Unity can’t happen If members have an unforgiven heart

14 I will NOT let my church be about my preferences and desires
BE A SERVANT Eph 3:7 THE MIND OF CHRIST Philippians 2:5-11 Pledge #3 Demanding Children Story Servant-57 times in New Testament, serve 58 times in New Testament IT IS IMPORTANT 10 Behaviors of Self Serving Churches Worship Wars Prolonged unimportant meetings Facilities Focus Program Driven Inwardly focused budget Inordinate demands for pastoral care Attitudes of entitlement Greater concern about change than Gospel Anger and hostility linger Evangelistic apathy Biblical Church Membership is not about I, Me, Myself, it is about servanthood Read Phil 2:5-11

15 I will PRAY for my Church Leaders
Pastor(s) & Other Leaders Pastor(s) and their families Pray for Protection over Pastor(s) Pray for Pastor(s) Physical and Mental Health 1 Tim 3:5 Pledge #4 Pastor Mike story Jeremy Story

16 I will LEAD my family to be healthy Church Members
Church & Family Eph 5:22-26, Eph 6:1-4 Pray together as a family for the church Spiritual protection, protection from moral failure, for families, for encouragement, for preaching the Word, physical strength, courage, discernment, wisdom in leadership Worship together as a family Fall in Love with the Bride of Christ Romans 5:8 Pledge #5 We are not just fathers and mothers, uncles and aunts, grandparents, or in-laws, we are Spiritual family

17 I will TREASURE Church Membership as a GIFT
Biblical Perspective Eph 2:8-9 Universal or Local Bible clear on this Understand the Gift Matthew 20:26-28 Pledge #6 It is our choice to choose church membership as a gift or as an entitlement (like country club membership) What we can get? What we can give? Would Immanuel be healthier, happier, and more kingdom focused if members chose to view church membership in this way?

18 HANDS Work with building and repair needs in community.
Volunteer to help with maintenance around church (washing windows, changing light bulbs) Address needs of widows in our church. Help with yard and landscaping. Help maintain church signage. Help with setup and takedown in fellowship hall. Ushers Security

19 MOUTH Prayer Leaders. Greeters. Choir Members. Praise Team. Soloist.
Note Senders and Encouragers. Bible Study Leaders Teachers for Children and Youth Social Media Website

20 FEET Prayer Walkers. Mission Projects and Trips.
Evangelism and Outreach Leaders. Food and Clothes Closet Ministry. Lydia’s Helping Hands. Women’s Mission Organizations Men’s Ministries

21 EARS Sound and Media Team. Prayer. Listeners for AWANA.
Divorce Ministry. Mentoring. Recovery Ministry. Bereavement Ministry Senior Adult Ministry – Tweenagers

22 HEART Vocational Ministry: Pastor, Youth, Music, Missionary.
Sunday School Teacher Springvale University Teacher Disciplining Nursing Home Ministry


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