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EU TROUGH my EYES Laila Dakhouch Jalane.

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Presentation on theme: "EU TROUGH my EYES Laila Dakhouch Jalane."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU TROUGH my EYES Laila Dakhouch Jalane

2 EUROPEAN UNION Is a union of 28 countries that work together in political and economic matters. The majority of the union member countries are located in Europe with a handful located in Russia. One of the main focuses for the EU is financial issues through out it’s members.


4 ADVANTAGES OF THE EU One of the biggest benefits that are offered to the member countries of the EU is that they are free to trade with other members at no additional taxation and opens up more opportunities.

5 Also the culture is not lost, the EU has never had an "official language" because of that we can learn more. The most important for me is that EU prevents any of these countries from getting into large political or economical problems with one another and promotes peace throughout the continent

6 Disadvantages of the eu
Once a country decides to join the EU, it is extremely difficult for them to leave it also in order to join the European Union, you must be a part of Europe and finally the policies, decisions, and rules set in place by the European Union are not there to protect the best interest of each individual country.


8 MY OPINION I think the European Union was a great idea, Europe has to be togheter in the future if it wants to keep rich compeared to future big potences such China, India, Russia and Brazil. I still believe Europe should be even more together.

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