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Chemical Reactions.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemical Reactions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemical Reactions

2 Balancing Law of Conservation of Matter: Cannot destroy or create matter (the beginning has to equal the end). Must compare the number of atoms on both sides and use coefficients to balance (trial and error). Example: Na Cl2  NaCl

3 Synthesis Marriage: 2/more molecules combine to form one new compound.
H O2  H2O

4 Decomposition Divorce: One compound separates into 2/more separate molecules. CaCl2  Ca Cl2

5 Single Replacement Divorce w/attitude: A single element replaces one of the elements in a compound to form a new compound MgF H2  HF Mg

6 Double Replacement Wife Swap: Two compounds switch partners to form two new compounds. Na2O HCl  H2O NaCl

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