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FY19 Budget Summit College of Education and Professional Studies Paul Ballard The mission of Central Washington University is to prepare students for.

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Presentation on theme: "FY19 Budget Summit College of Education and Professional Studies Paul Ballard The mission of Central Washington University is to prepare students for."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY19 Budget Summit College of Education and Professional Studies Paul Ballard
The mission of Central Washington University is to prepare students for enlightened, responsible, and productive lives; to produce research, scholarship, and creative expression in the public interest; and to serve as a resource to the region and the state through effective stewardship of university resources. Qualified faculty and staff create a community that encourages and supports the emotional, personal, and professional growth of students from a variety of backgrounds. 

2 College of Education and Professional Studies
College Mission The College of Education and Professional Studies promotes a supportive, equitable, collaborative, and engaged learning environment that initiates opportunities for individuals to make intellectual and civic contributions through reflective practice, creative innovation, and practical application

3 CEPS Summer Budget (148) Net Revenue (Includes Waivers/Bad Debt): $3,571,296.73 Less Provost %: ($325,025.20) Less Summer Overhead Costs: ($104,008.00) Less Summer Instruction: ($1,464,533.00) Transfer to Dean’s Operating Budget: ($1,500,000.00) Ending Summer Budget: $177,730.53

4 Dean’s Operating Budget
Beginning Balance: $231,154.00 Transfer Summer to Dean’s Operating Budget: $1,500,000.00 Revenue from other sources: $308,901.00 Out to Depts: Goods/Services, Prof. Dev. (YTD/Projected): ($488,074.00) Salaries and Benefits (YTD/Projected): ($189,288.00) Salaries and Benefits (Projected Transfer to 149): ($1,132,026.00) Fix Negative Department Balance: ($30,365.00) Ending Dean’s Operating Budget: $200,302.00

5 CEPS Carry Forward Beginning Balance: $1,496,255.96
Hanger Fire Deductible: ($250,000.00) New and Converted Faculty Positions (FY19): ($505,379.00) Impacts of Tenure and Promotion (FY19): ($106,985.00) Augment ME Higher Ed Program (Moved out of CE): ($84,598.00) Athletic Training Classroom: ($30,000.00) CEPS Reserve Funds: ($250,000.00) CEPS Additional Reserves (Administration Request): ($250,000.00) Carryover Ending Balance: $19,293.96

6 Total Discretionary Funds
Ending Summer Budget: $177,730.53 Ending Dean’s Operating Budget: $200,302.00 Carryover Ending Balance: $19,293.96 $397,326.49 CEPS Needs: Student Recruitment/Marketing Instructional Equipment Strategic initiatives (Already Committed) MPH, Sport Management, Hospitality, Global Wine Trade, Athletic Training Paramedicine, Safety and Health Management, Industrial Engineering Technology Elementary Education, Alternative Pathways Program Faculty/Staff Professional Development

7 College of Education and Professional Studies
(without Flight Operations) FY16 FY17 FY18 Expenses* $ ,030,555 $ ,377,287 $ ,361,413 Total SCH 130,381 131,496 130,516 Expenses/SCH $145.96 $147.36 $148.35 *Excludes 149 Faculty Development Funds provided by Provost to the colleges. Includes Local General Funds. **Includes summer. This is all SCH prior to the 70/30 RCM allocation split.







14 FY19 Budget Impacts Concerns moving into FY 20
Ability to fund current strategic initiatives Increasing Expenses (Salary/Benefits/Promotion/Merit) Decreased Student Credit Hours Aviation Flight Operations Expenses Revisions to the RCM Model

15 Thank you!

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