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Change and Continuity Over Time

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1 Change and Continuity Over Time
Unit 4 Bellwork 1/9-1/10 Think back to freshman year. What is one major change that has occurred in your life since then? What is one thing that has remained constant since then?

2 Next Three Weeks Tu 1/9-W 1/10: Introduction to Change and Continuity Over Time (CCOT) Th 1/11-F 1/12: Colonization and Racial Ideologies/Analyzing Castas Paintings M 1/15: No School Tu 1/16-W 1/17: Effects of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Chapter 17 Study Guide Due Counselor Presentations Th 1/18-F 1/19: Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade/DBQ Practice M 1/22- Tu 1/23: Age of Absolutism/Absolutism CD Covers Chapter 18 SAQ W 1/24-Th 1/25: Peter the Great and Russia/Absolutism CD Covers 1/23 and 1/24: Dual Enrollment Presentations

3 Change and Continuity Over Time
Historical Thinking Skill and Essay Style

4 Change and Continuity Over Time
Purpose of this essay To evaluate your ability to analyze historical changes and continuities that have shaped social, political, cultural and economic developments in history To do the work of historians—observing how events are connected and how events of the past affect the present and the future This is a challenging, high-level skill

5 Red Hot Chili Peppers- Dani California
Analyze the changes and continuities in American rock music from the 1960s through the 2000s. Key changes? Continuities? Not only rock music has changed…

6 How to CCOT Essay prompts will include two dates: a starting point and an end point and will include a specific topic and place (or choice of places) 1st Step: Start at the beginning date and figure out what the era in question was like at the beginning (What was the state of rock music in the 1950s?) 2nd Step: Look at the end date and figure out what the era in question was like at the end (What was the state of rock music in the 2000s?)

7 How to CCOT 3rd Step: Identify changes that occurred during the time period and identify reasons for those changes 4th Step: Identify continuities that occurred throughout the era and identify reasons those items didn’t change 5th Step: Everyone’s favorite history skill: synthesis!

8 Changes and Continuities
Try to focus on major changes Focus on the process of change: what changed and why? Important: Don’t forget reasons for the change. Shoot for 3 changes—you won’t have time for more Continuities: Patterns or cultural tendencies that stay the same for years and years One is sufficient, but try for 2 just in case you are off track with your first one

9 Sample Questions Trace the changes and continuities in world trade from 500 BCE to 1000 CE in any one of the following regions: the Mediterranean, the Silk Road (Central Asia, East Asia, Southwest Asia), the Indian Ocean, Sub-Saharan Africa. Trace the changes and continuities in gender roles from 1750 to 2000 CE in any one region: Latin America; North America; West Europe; Southwest Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa; South Asia; and East Asia.

10 Thesis Statement No more than 2 sentences
Don’t need much more in the introduction—just perfect the thesis Items to include: Mention the topic and time period (who, what, when) Mention the specific changes and reasons for those changes Mention the specific continuities Sample thesis: Between 1950 and 2009, rock music in America has introduced many different musical techniques, clothing styles, and types of artists to keep up with trends. Despite these changes, current rock music has consistently been popular with America’s youth and has consistently challenged authority.

11 Unacceptable Thesis (A.K.A.--If I See This, I Might Cry)
Rock music has changed and stayed the same. It has always been loud music but now it sounds different.

12 Specific Evidence When explaining changes and continuities, you must be specific (just like every essay and quickwrite) Incorrect: Grunge music was a game changer in the 1990s because it was a new sound that young people liked. Correct: Bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, and Soundgarden in the early 1990s sparked a move away from the glam metal phase of the late 1980s because of their lyrics that spoke to the angst-filled youth that felt isolated from society.

13 In Your Groups: Practice filling in an outline for a CCOT essay
You decide the topic Once you have chosen the topic, think about the changes and continuities and complete the outline You might want to end with the thesis

14 Your Prompt for Monday You will have some class time to prepare for an in- class CCOT essay on Monday, but you might want to do some work ahead of time Your prompt: Analyze the social and economic changes and continuities that occurred in the Atlantic world as a result of new contacts among Western Europe, Africa, and the Americas from 1492 to 1750.

15 The Significance of the Dates: Periodization
8000BCE 600BCE 550BCE 600CE 1215CE 1453CE 1490CE 1530CE With your group, figure out the key events in history that occurred in each year 1750CE 1796CE 1830CE 1914CE 1989CE 1991CE 2001CE 2016CE

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