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Burra Naga Trinadh, Nay Lin Tun, Philip Lu

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1 Burra Naga Trinadh, Nay Lin Tun, Philip Lu
Team Sanitation Burra Naga Trinadh, Nay Lin Tun, Philip Lu Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

2 Do we Have a Moral Right ?


4 The people most impacted by this problem are…
People in Rural Area especially women and children Drop out from school, Sexual Assault Dignity and Basic Human Right Infants – Deaths because of Diahorrea

5 How Does the Problem Harm Me
Health Cost: Over 1.5 million children under 5 die each year because of diarrhea Economic Cost: the economic loss because of poor sanitation costs India about US$53.8 billion a year (World Bank) Crime: National Crime Records Bureau suggests that women face abuse and physical assault mostly during the times when they went out in the open for defecation Illiteracy: 23% of girls in India drop out from schools on reaching puberty because of no access to sanitation and facilities to manage their menstruation (Dasra and World Bank, 2016).

6 Major causes of this problem are…
Religion and Culture Poor Literacy Rate Patriarchal Society Poverty Rural Urban Divide Miscellaneous

7 Our Focus To ensure functional toilets in the schools Infrastructural
Behavioural Construction of Toilets in Schools ICE (Information, Communication, Education) Crowd funding, Utilizing Manual Labour Use Mobile Technology Maintenance and Monitoring Students – Agents of Change

8 Our Target Audience 10 schools, 2000 students (60% girls) (Vizianagaram district, Andhra Pradesh state, India) Why This Place – Carried out Demographic and Social Profiling Very poor levels of personal hygiene, High Poverty and Illiteracy Low levels of Awareness on the importance of sanitation and better WASH practices

9 Inputs Funding – 2 toilets and 4 urinals for every school –Per Unit cost for 1 school - $300 Total funding for 10 school = $3000. This includes material and transportation cost for construction Staff – 1 Civil Engineer, 2 Masons, 2 Construction Workers – Total Compensation ($500) Campaign Material (Posters – Books – Handouts – Mobile Chip loaded with audio video clips) - $4000 Training Cost – Trainers Fee, Logistics and Miscellaneous - $2500

10 Activities Construction of Toilets
Formation of Student clubs with both boys and girls in the school Formation of girls collective group in the Village Training programme to school students, teachers, schools Training programme to community, village representatives, public health worker Public Walks, Street Plays, Student Competitions.

11 Output 2 Functional toilet and 4 urinals each in 10 schools
2 students clubs each per school Atleast 5 girls collective across 10 schools 20 hours of information, awareness and schools participation in a month

12 Short Term Outcome Improved Sanitation Coverage in Schools
Improved Attendance rate of students in school High levels of Awareness on sanitation

Toilet is Not Important for me – This has been from olden days I don’t have money – I cannot build one I am healthy, You don’t have to tell me what’s good for me ? 3 REASONS I CAN ENGAGE WITH YOU Improved Health of Children Improved Attendance rate and Literacy of students Better Health Better Future (Health is Wealth)

14 Expected Impact 100% access to functional toilets in 10 schools covering nearly 2000 students Behavioural Change and increased awareness about sanitation practices Positive spillover on the community – increased toilet construction in homes in the village Prevent drop outs, child labour and sickness among children in the villages

15 Why you have to build a toilet
Poor Hygiene and Sanitation Diseases & Malnutrition Inadequate Cognitive and Physical Development Impaired Productivity and Reduced life time opportunities Less Earnings and Low standard of Living The Poverty Trap

16 The Future Starts With Toilet

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