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Distributed Network Calculations for Large Networks

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1 Distributed Network Calculations for Large Networks
Sunbelt XXIX Viszards Session San Diego, California March 10 – 15, 2009 Distributed Network Calculations for Large Networks Jürgen Pfeffer, Vienna

2 Backstory 659,388 Nodes 16,582,425 Arcs CB I ? 39 days

3 Scientific Interest network data is getting bigger and bigger (e.g. U.S. patent, Web 2.0 applications, the internet) the calculation of a lot of network measures need tremendous time for very large networks

4 Partitioning Algorithms

5 The simple example: Degree

6 Betweenness Centrality
Ulrik Brandes, A Faster Algorithm for Betweenness Centrality. Journal of Mathematical Sociology 25(2): , 2001. all variables reset for each vertex some calculations (breadth-first search) for each vertex s do… for each reachable vertex of s do… increase betweenness centrality by a value

7 Betweenness Centrality
... CB[2] CB[3] CB[4] ... CB[1] CB[N] + + … + betweenness centrality for all nodes in the network network with N vertices

8 Data transfer problem 1st send the network to all computers: no labels, no attributes to nodes or lines → download is much faster than upload result vector with 659,388 float numbers = 13.5 MB 659,388 x 13.5 MB = 8,693 GB zip: 83.1 GB but, you can sum up partial results: 1 user – calculation for 100 nodes -> 0.83 GB → data transfer isn't that big problem when partitioning the calculations smart

9 Fruchterman/Reingold Layout Algorithm
T. Fruchterman, E. Reingold, Graph Drawing by Force-Directed Placement, in: Software–Practice and Experience, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 1129–1164, 1991. send network to all computers 20-40 iterations: 1 computer does calculation for some nodes upload (small) result vector for some nodes when everything is done: re-download coordinate vector

10 Finally some pictures... network: 2-mode social bookmark data (V=254,859, E=748,189) 49,750 tags, 205,109 urls main component calculating Fruchterman/Reingold layout algorithm 20 computer participating (at least a little bit) - thanks to you 2 runs: starting position random + circle 40 iterations each rather network art than network analysis



13 Distributed Network Calculations for Large Networks
Sunbelt XXIX Viszards Session San Diego, California March 10 – 15, 2009 Distributed Network Calculations for Large Networks Thanks for the attention Jürgen Pfeffer, Vienna

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