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How did that crazy man get in power?!?

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Presentation on theme: "How did that crazy man get in power?!?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How did that crazy man get in power?!?
12/6 Warm Up: Think of 3 Words (school appropriate), To describe Hitler

2 Germany After Treaty of Versailles
Germany was going through an economic collapse Had to pay war reparations… Yet countries placed tariffs on German imports No Way to Make money! The Rest of the world went into financial collapse as well, world wide depression. Made Germany Pay back reparations faster than they could make money!

3 Looking for a leader… Hitler as a young politician
With Germany at its most vulnerable point, Hitler emerged as a leader. Used Jewish people as a “scapegoat”

4 Scapegoats

5 Hitler as a leader He outlined a plan:
1) Blamed the people of Jewish descent for Economic Problems 2) Lay out a plan to eliminate unemployment

6 Hitler’s Impact Became Chancellor of Germany in 1933
By 1935, unemployment was eliminated By 1938, Germany had the Most powerful, dominant, and advanced military in the world!

7 How did this happen? Appeasement- The policy of settling international problems, by conceding to the aggressor. In other words, they gave in to the bully. What happens when you give in to a bully?

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