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Get Ready (9/11/2013) Managers:

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Presentation on theme: "Get Ready (9/11/2013) Managers:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Get Ready (9/11/2013) Managers:
Enter class quietly. Sit in your assigned seat. Unpack and place the following on your desk: GMS agenda All of the Above by Shelley Pearsall (if you don't have a copy the Supply Manager may check you out a copy) Pen or pencil Place your back packs on the back of your desk. Line up to get your ELA binders. Open your binders to the “Calendar Journal” section. Today’s topic: September 11th is a Day of Remembrance. As we honor those who lost their lives on this day 2001, make a list of everything in your life that you are thankful for Managers: Attendance: Know who is absent from your group today. Supply: Check out a novel for anyone that does have a copy of AOTA. On-Task: Ensure that everyone is quiet and on task. Collectors: Pass out “Unit One Extended Text Vocabulary” handout.

2 How can knowing the meaning of words and phrases help you to better understand the text, All of the Above by Shelley Pearsall?

3 We must be able to… Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings.(ELACC7RL4)

4 Opening Finish reading pp. 3-26. Review vocabulary words
“Unit One Extended Text Vocabulary (pp. 3-26)” handout

5 Unit One Extended Text Vocabulary Handout
Words to know for pp. 3-26 Epiphany p.15 Convergence p. 17 Quiescent p.15 Geometry p. 22 Metamorphosis p. 15 Tetrahedron Unit One Extended Text Vocabulary Handout

6 Here’s your first word to get you started…
Sentence from the Text What I think it means What it really means How I will remember it  epiphany “Words like epiphany, quiescent, metamorphosis…” p. 15, para 2, line 4 I think it means to be confident. It has the word “any” inside of it.  Noun. An illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure. A revealing scene or moment. Reveals something. Realize something quickly or suddenly.  You can write how you will remember the word or draw a picture or symbol. Make a connection to the word. Here’s your first word to get you started…

7 Work Period Finish reading pp. 3-26. Independent Reading pp. 27- 38
Complete all vocabulary and reading guide questions for this section of the book. Independent Reading pp Complete all vocabulary for this section of the book and reading guide questions (#1-10)

8 Closing Today’s Classwork: “Unit One Extended Text Vocabulary (pp. 3-26)” handout Independent reading (pp ) Complete Reading Guide #1-10 Complete all vocabulary found on pp Place all handouts in the “Class Notes” section of your binder. Supply Managers: Collect all class novels and place them back on the shelf. Pack up Binder Walk Homework: Finish today’s class work.

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