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Basic Operational Instructions

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1 Basic Operational Instructions
JEOL-7000F Basic Operational Instructions

2 Goals Quick Tour of JEOL-7000 Basic Operation Startup Sample Exchange
Column Control Stage Control Basic Imaging Shut Down

3 JEOL 7000F Field Emission Gun High Resolution 0 – 30 kV
Schottky Type High Resolution 1 nm at 15 kV 3 nm at 1 kV 0 – 30 kV Fully Motorized Stage (X,Y,Z,R,T) Diffusion Pumped System

4 JEOL 7000F SED, BED, TED EBSD Camera EDS WDS Fast Beam Blanker

5 Right Hand View Apertures Ion Pumps SED & EBSD Motors Sample Exchange
Gun & Objective Lens Ion Pumps SED & EBSD Motors Sample Exchange EDS & WDS

6 Left Hand View Beam blanker WDS BED

7 Rear View Ion pumps WDS TED EBSD Vacuum Gauge WDS valve
BF – DF Aperture EBSD Vacuum Gauge

8 Computer Control

9 Other Controls – Operator Interface

10 Start Up - Check Exchange Rod Should be in UP position
Gun Valve Closed Button should be illuminated Load Lock Lights VENT & EXCH POSN – illuminated

11 JEOL Program Start Make sure the JEOL Monitor is ON
Move the mouse back and right to left across the mouse pad several times. If the monitor does not come on, press Ctrl + Alt on the key pad. If there is no response, get assistance.

12 JEOL Program Start - 2 You should now be at the WINDOWS Log In Screen.
You will be assigned a User Name and Password. Log – In Also Sign In on the Sign In / Sign Out Sheets (folder)

13 JEOL Program Start - 3 You should now be at YOUR Desktop.
Double-click the ir-camera short-cut to view the sample chamber Double-click the JEOL PC-SEM icon to start the program The JEOL Program should now boot.

14 JEOL Program Start - 4 When you click the ir- camera icon. The Camera Window opens. Here it is on the desktop. The Camera Window is always on top, so clicking the JEOL-PC icon opens the JEOL program but the ir- camera view remains.

15 JEOL Program Start - 5 If the JEOL computer was shut down or restarted then you will first be asked to let the program recalibrate the stage positions. ANSWER YES. You will then be asked to check whether there is any holder attachment. Click YES.

16 JEOL Program Start Click the holder you will be using

17 Sample Exchange - 1 First make sure your sample is ready.
Always use gloves when handling the sample holders. Mount the sample on the proper sample mount. There are a number of these. Many of the sample mounts can be interchanged on a single base.

18 Sample Exchange - 2 Check again to see that the load-lock is vented. VENT light illuminated. Unhook the latch to the load-lock. Open the load lock

19 Sample Exchange - 3 There are dove-tail groves on the base of the sample holder. These dove-tails slide onto their complement on the stage.

20 Sample Exchange - 4 The holder is placed on the specimen holder chuck devise. The groves must be positioned properly so as to slide onto the stage.

21 Sample Exchange - 5 Close the load-lock door and latch
Then press EVAC and hold until light blinks. When the EVAC button light quits blinking and remains illuminated the sample is ready to be inserted into the chamber.

22 Sample Exchange - 6 Lift the exchange rod slightly. The rod is spring loaded onto the clamp Bring it to the horizontal position; Let the air pressure take the rod into the stop.

23 Sample Exchange - 7 Gently push the rod into the chamber. You must move the rod past the O-rings. When the rod is in the correct position it will insert fairly easily. Make sure you are NOT putting downward pressure on the rod. When fully inserted the sample is on the stage. Then fully retract and place the rod in vertical position.

24 Sample Exchange - 8 Press the VENT button to close the sample chamber valve and vent the load lock. Open the Penning gauge readout on the JEOL screen. Pressure should be less than 2 x before beginning session.

25 Desktop Controls

26 Wireless Keyboard & Mouse
Ctrl + Alt + 1 Keyboard/Mouse to Oxford Ctrl + Alt + 2 Keyboard/Mouse to JEOL Should switch smoothly between screens when LOGGED INTO BOTH systems

27 JEOL OPERATION PANEL - 1 Knobs Magnification Focus (objective lens)
Can be converted to actual Z-stage control X – Y for adjustments, but mainly stigmators. Work in conjunction with alignment operations Manual Contrast and Brightness Live image

28 JEOL OPERATION PANEL – 2 Buttons Scan Modes Adjustments Imaging Other
Quick View & Fine View Two speeds on both buttons per mode (full or reduced image) RDC Image (reduced) Adjustments Wobbles the objective lens current ALIGN – brings up column alignment STIG – stigmators – use X-Y knobs Imaging Freeze – Freeze frame ACB – Auto Contrast / Brightness PHOTO – Very slow scan Other Auto LOW MAG

29 JEOL Joystick Stage movement Patience – easy movements Buttons
Speed proportional to extent of joystick movement in X,Y, Z Twist can be changed to Tilt or Rotate in software Patience – easy movements Buttons Jog and Input

30 HV Wob For adjusting beam in Adjustment mode.
Make sure button is not illuminated when working on your sample. Knob adjusts strength of HV variation.

31 JEOL TED – SED Switch Switches between normal secondary electron detection and transmitted electron detection. Button in TE Button out SE Button illumination does not work If you are not getting an image when you think you should, check this button.

32 (GS) Getting Started - User Login
File Menu User Login … You will setup a user name. (see Setup Menu) Login with your user name. This should bring up your personal settings.

33 GS – Instrument Control
Set Accelerating Voltage OL should be at 4 SEI should be ON (green) and Mode should be 3 Column Mode to SEM (green) Probe Size – 7 is a good start Focus – 40 (green) Scan Rotation and DFC – OFF

34 GS – Electron to the Sample
Make sure FREEZE button on Instrument Control Pad is NOT illuminated Click the HT button Listen for valve to open HT button turns light green Press ACB on Instrument Control Pad Image should be on screen

35 GS – Move to intermediate height
Bring up the IR camera image A good Z distance to get things initially adjusted is 25 mm. Click WD 25 in the Instrument Control In the Z box (lower right) type in the 25, and press enter. The stage should move. Adjust the focus first using the stage Z control (joystick) then the Objective lens. Adjust stigmators

36 Move around on your sample
Use the joystick X – Y controls Use the mouse Position the mouse pointer on the spot you want to be in the center of the screen. Right click the mouse This works best at lower magnifications At higher mag’s (2000x or more), the image can be electronically shifted by holding the left mouse button and moving the mouse.

37 GS – Move to Working Distance (WD) - 1
In the Instrument Control click the desired working distance, e.g. 10. In the Z box (lower right) type in the Z to match the WD (or slightly larger for safety, e.g., 11.) Watch sample move in IR camera window. ESC on the keypad STOPS all stage movement

38 GS – Move to Working Distance (WD) - 2
Continue to adjust the Z distance until the image is in focus (at a low magnification). Make the focus knob on the Instrument Control Pad the Z motor adjustment. Go slow, have patience, this is not instantaneous. Click Z-control icon again to make the Focus knob the objective lens adjustment.

39 GS – Reduced Image Mode Focusing and most other adjustments are easier using the reduced image mode. Press the RDC IMAGE button on the Control Pad.

40 Adjust focus and stigamtism

41 Capture image Photo and/or Freeze button

42 Saving your image Click Image File Handler Icon to open the window.
Move to your directory (folder). Then click OK – Then click SAVE SAVE opens a new window. Fill in the appropriate information, e.g., file name, etc. Then click SAVE

43 Shut Down - 1 Click the HT button (turns dark green)
Stage to exchange position Use STAGE MENU Click the appropriate sample holder. Then “Exchange”

44 Shut Down - 2 Evacuate the Load-lock.
Remove the sample from the sample chamber. Vent the Load-lock and remove your sample. Close the load-lock. EXIT the JEOL control program. Log-off SIGN OUT

45 CLEAN UP Make sure all materials are put away.
Any small instrument you have been using is put back in its proper place. Any trash is taken with you or put in the trash bin.

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