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Introduction to Professional Studies
What is Professional Studies?
Pedagogy – teaching and learning Theories of learning Child development and play Understanding planning and the planning process Understanding formative and summative assessment Securing progress for all pupils – differentiation and individual needs including special educational needs and disabilities, EAL Behaviour for learning Professional practice The Teachers’ Standards Developing an awareness of the context of schools Local and national policies and priorities and their impact on practice Working with other adults – support assistants and parents Understanding statutory assessment processes and national data School curricula – EYFS and the National Curriculum
Developing critical practice
Exclusions by pupil characteristics (2015/16) Age, national curriculum year group and gender Boys were over three times more likely to receive a permanent exclusion and almost three times more likely to receive a fixed period exclusion than girls Free school meals (FSM) eligibility Pupils known to be eligible for and claiming free school meals (FSM) were around four times more likely to receive a permanent or fixed period exclusion than those who are not eligible Special educational need (SEN) Pupils with identified special educational needs (SEN) accounted for just over half of all permanent exclusions and fixed period exclusions Pupils with SEN support had the highest permanent exclusion rate and were over 7 times more likely to receive a permanent exclusion than pupils with no SEN Pupils with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan or with a statement of SEN had the highest fixed period exclusion rate and were almost 7 times more likely to receive a fixed period exclusion than pupils with no SEN
Developing critical practice
Reflective Practice ‘My opinions, values and teaching approaches have developed as a consequence of the module.’ ‘I have really valued the opportunity to reflect on my own and other students’ experiences and practice.’ ‘I have been challenged to think critically.’ ‘PS has supported me well for the realities of the classroom.’
Preparation Children, their world, their education
The Early Years Curriculum and National Curriculum Teachers’ Standards
Boyd, D. and Bee, H. (2014) The Developing Child
Boyd, D. and Bee, H. (2014) The Developing Child. (13th edition) Essex: Pearson. Cremin, T. and Arthur, J. (2014) Learning to teach in the primary school (3rd edition) Oxford: Routledge A recommended purchase. Also available in multiple copies in the library and electronically. Goepel, J., Childerhouse, H. and Sharpe, S. (2015). Inclusive Primary Teaching: a critical approach to equality and special educational needs (2nd edition). Northwich: Critical Publishing A recommended purchase. Also available in multiple copies in the library and electronically. Moyles, J., Georgeson, J., and Payler, J. (2017) Beginning Teaching, Beginning Learning In Early Years and Primary Education (4th edition) Maidenhead: Open University Press pp The electronic copy is the 2011 version but is still a great reference point. McInerney, D. and Putwain, D. (2017) Developmental and Educational Psychology for Teachers: An Applied Approach. (2nd edition) Oxford: Routledge. Available in hard copy in the library. Sangster, M. (ed.) (2017) Challenging Perceptions in Primary Education: Exploring Issues in Practice (1st edition) London: Bloomsbury Academic
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