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Technology in Your Life

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1 Technology in Your Life
Unit Technology in Your Life Contents Starting with You How many times a day do you use technology? It might be more than you think! To find out, go to the Online Learning Center at Choose Before You Read Quizzes and take the Unit 1 Pre-Quiz. Tech Talk: Computers and You Technology in Our Lives (pg. 2–3) Technology and You (pg. 4–5) Responsible Use of Technology (pg. 6–7) Projects Project 1: Use Your Computer Safely and Responsibly (pg. 9–18) Project 2: Operate Your Computer (pg. 19–36) Technology in Your Life Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

2 Technology in Your Life
Computers and You pg. 2-8 Key Terms You Will Learn technology microprocessor telecommute ethics virus hacker How technology affects your everyday life How technology is used at home, school, and work How you can use technology ethically and safely Technology in Your Life

3 Technology in Our Lives
Computers and You Technology in Our Lives pg. 2-3 technology The use of science to solve practical problems. (pg. 2) Since ancient times, people have been using science to solve practical problems. In the last 50 years, technology—especially computer technology—has changed the way we: work play communicate In fact many times when computers are not working, it can become difficult to do everyday tasks! Technology in Your Life

4 Technology in Our Lives
Computers and You Technology in Our Lives pg. 2-3 microprocessor A tiny computer chip that receives and carries out instructions. (pg. 3) How Do I Use Technology? Technology often works behind the scenes. You might not know that computers: Keep track of the books in your school library Predict the weather Dispense money from ATMs Monitor hospital patients Make cars safer to drive The “brain” of every computerized device is a small but powerful chip called a microprocessor, or microchip. Technology in Your Life

5 Technology in Our Lives
Computers and You Technology in Our Lives Identify List two technological inventions of the last century that have made communication easier. Possible answers include: broadcast radio television personal computer Internet World Wide Web Web browser cell phone Technology in Your Life

6 Technology in Your Life
Computers and You Technology and You pg. 4-5 Technology is constantly changing. It is important to keep up with how technology is used at school, at home, and at work. How Is Technology Used at School? At school, computers can help you: Find books in the library Research a topic Record or organize information Write a report Deliver a class presentation Technology in Your Life

7 Technology in Your Life
Computers and You Technology and You pg. 4-5 How Is Technology Used at Home? At home, many systems and appliances are computerized. Among these, personal computers are especially useful because they let you: Communicate with friends and family Find information Listen to music and watch movies Play games Technology in Your Life

8 Technology in Your Life
Computers and You Technology and You pg. 4-5 telecommute To work at home or another location outside an office with the help of communication devices such as cell phones, fax machines, and the Internet. (pg. 5) How Is Technology Used at Work? At work, technology is everywhere! Computers are used to do these and many other tasks: Create documents Maintain schedules Place orders and track sales Track products and workers These days, many people telecommute rather than work in an office. Technology in Your Life

9 Technology in Your Life
Computers and You Technology and You Describe How have you used computers to help you do school assignments? Possible answers include: To find books in the library To research a topic To record information To organize information To write a report To deliver a class presentation Technology in Your Life

10 Computers and You Responsible Use of Technology pg. 6-7
ethics The principles and standards we use to decide how to act. (pg. 6) When you use a computer, use ethics to guide your behavior. How Can I Use Computers Ethically? Be sure to follow these guidelines for ethical computer use: Do not open or damage other people’s files or messages. Do not use the Internet to cheat. Do not use Web sites, , or chat rooms to say negative things about others. Pay for commercial software, music, and movies. Technology in Your Life

11 Computers and You Responsible Use of Technology pg. 6-7
virus A computer program intentionally designed to cause annoyance or to damage hardware or software. (pg. 7) hacker A person who uses his or her expertise to gain access to people’s computers for unethical purposes. (pg. 7) What Are the Risks of Using Computers? When you use a computer, you must be aware of the risks and take proper precautions: Firewalls and antivirus software can help protect your computer against a virus or a hacker. Good common sense can help protect you from dishonest people who give false or illegal information on the Internet. Technology in Your Life

12 Technology in Your Life
Computers and You Tech Talk Assessment pg. 8 Draw Conclusions What should you do if you think you are the victim of someone else’s unethical behavior? Notify an adult, such as your teacher or a parent or guardian. Self-Check Assess your understanding of what you read. Go to the Online Learning Center at Choose After You Read Quizzes and take the Unit 1 Tech Talk Quiz. Technology in Your Life

13 Technology in Your Life
Computers and You Tech Talk Assessment pg. 8 Analyze Pick an appliance, system, or device in your home. How does it help to solve a practical problem? Possible answers include: A refrigerator keeps perishable foods from spoiling. A microwave oven makes it possible to enjoy a hot meal when you do not have a lot of time. A security system protects you and your belongings from potential harm. The TV remote control lets you change the channel without having to get up! Technology in Your Life

14 Use Your Computer Safely and Responsibly
1 Use Your Computer Safely and Responsibly pg. 9-18 Key Terms Contents ergonomics Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Exercise 1-1 Identify features of your classroom computer Exercise 1-2 Operate computers safely Exercise 1-3 Practice proper ergonomics Exercise 1-4 Use computers responsibly Technology in Your Life

15 Use Your Computer Safely and Responsibly
1 Use Your Computer Safely and Responsibly Exercise 1-1 Get to Know Your Classroom Computer pg. 10 In this exercise you will identify and locate the computer equipment in your classroom. Your work station probably has these devices: computer monitor keyboard mouse Your computer lab may have these additional devices: printer scanner digital camera projector Technology in Your Life

16 Use Your Computer Safely and Responsibly
1 Use Your Computer Safely and Responsibly Exercise 1-2 Operate Computers Safely pg. 11 In this exercise you will learn how to keep your computer classroom safe and avoid accidents. These are features of a safe computer classroom: Sturdy tables and chairs Clean floor and equipment Neatly arranged and safely connected computer cables No food or drinks Neatly organized papers and supplies Lighting that reduces glare and shadow Constant temperature Fire extinguisher or sprinklers Technology in Your Life

17 Use Your Computer Safely and Responsibly
1 Use Your Computer Safely and Responsibly Exercise 1-3 Use Proper Ergonomics pg ergonomics The study of equipment design in order to improve user safety, comfort, and efficiency. (pg. 12) In this exercise you will learn how to sit correctly and safely at your computer. Good computer ergonomics can: Improve safety, comfort, and efficiency Prevent fatigue and muscle injury Keep you alert and focused Technology in Your Life

18 Use Your Computer Safely and Responsibly
1 Use Your Computer Safely and Responsibly Exercise 1-4 Use Computers Responsibly pg Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) A set of rules for school computer usage. (pg. 14) In this exercise you will evaluate some of the rules found in many Acceptable Use Policies. An Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is intended to protect students from potential dangers when using computers at school. Before you use your school’s computers, you and your parents may have to sign the school’s Acceptable Use Policy. Technology in Your Life

19 Use Your Computer Safely and Responsibly
1 Use Your Computer Safely and Responsibly Project Assessment Identify Which of these is not a feature of a safe computer classroom? clean equipment sturdy tables and chairs safely connected computer cables snacks and soda cans The correct answer is: D. snacks and soda cans Technology in Your Life

20 Use Your Computer Safely and Responsibly
1 Use Your Computer Safely and Responsibly Project Assessment Describe Why is it important to sit correctly at your computer? Your should sit correctly at your computer to: Improve safety, comfort, and efficiency Prevent fatigue and muscle injury Keep alert and focused Technology in Your Life

21 Use Your Computer Safely and Responsibly
1 Use Your Computer Safely and Responsibly Project Assessment Cause and Effect Why might “No horsing around in the classroom” be a rule in an Acceptable Use Policy? It is important to act responsibly in the computer classroom. Horsing around can: Injure or endanger students Damage equipment Create hazardous conditions in the classroom by knocking into potentially dangerous electrical equipment Distract from classroom activities or projects Technology in Your Life

22 Technology in Your Life
2 Operate Your Computer pg Key Terms Exercise 2-1 Start the computer Log on to Windows View the Start menu Exercise 2-2 Practice mouse skills Exercise 2-3 Open and close an application Open multiple applications Exercise 2-4 Practice keyboarding skills Exercise 2-5 Log off Windows Shut down the computer desktop icon log on program application window taskbar insertion point shortcut Technology in Your Life

23 Operate Your Computer 2 Exercise 2-1 Get to Know the Windows Desktop
pg log on To provide a username and password in order to use a computer connected to a network. (pg. 20) In this exercise you will turn on your computer and access Microsoft Windows according to your teacher’s directions. If your school’s computers are connected to a network, you will have to log on first. Microsoft Windows APPLICATIONS USED Technology in Your Life

24 Operate Your Computer 2 Exercise 2-1 Get to Know the Windows Desktop
pg desktop The main work area on a computer. (pg. 20) When you start Microsoft Windows, the first screen you see is the desktop. A good place to begin is the Start button, from which you can open all the programs on the computer. Double-clicking an icon on the desktop takes you to the item it represents Technology in Your Life

25 Operate Your Computer 2 Exercise 2-2 Get to Know Your Mouse pg. 22-24
In this exercise you will use the desktop and Start menu to practice using your mouse. The mouse lets you enter commands into a computer. You use the mouse by pointing to an object on the screen and clicking in one of several ways: Click with the left button Double-click with the left button Right-click with the right button Drag by holding the left button and moving the mouse Technology in Your Life

26 Operate Your Computer 2 Exercise 2-3 Work with Multiple Applications
pg program A set of instructions a computer receives in order to carry out functions. (pg. 25) application A software program that allows a user to perform specific tasks. (pg. 25) In this exercise you will make a window smaller and larger and move between two open applications. From the Windows desktop, you can open all the software programs, or applications, on your computer. Examples of applications are: Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft Access Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word APPLICATIONS USED Technology in Your Life

27 Operate Your Computer 2 Exercise 2-3 Work with Multiple Applications
pg window The area on a computer screen where an application can be viewed and accessed. (pg. 25) taskbar The part of the desktop, usually at the bottom, that displays active programs. (pg. 25) When you open an application, it appears as a new window on the screen. You can have more than one window open at a time. The taskbar at the bottom of the screen shows the windows you are working in. Technology in Your Life

28 Operate Your Computer 2 Exercise 2-4 Get to Know Your Keyboard
pg insertion point The symbol on a computer screen that shows where text or data will be entered. It is often a blinking vertical line. (pg. 28) shortcut A keyboard command that lets you work without the mouse. Shortcuts often involve use of the Ctrl, Alt, Shift, or Function key. (pg. 28) In this exercise you will practice using the keyboard and the mouse to move around in a Word document. The keyboard lets you enter text and numbers and do many other things. From your keyboard, you can use a: Keyboard key to move the insertion point Keyboard key to apply a command Keyboard shortcut instead of clicking the mouse Microsoft Word APPLICATIONS USED Technology in Your Life

29 Operate Your Computer 2 Exercise 2-4 Get to Know Your Keyboard
pg Technology in Your Life

30 Operate Your Computer 2 Exercise 2-5 Close Windows pg. 32-33
In this exercise you will use some of Window’s shut down options. When you are finished using your computer, you may choose one of these Shut Down options: Log off to disconnect from the network Shut down to close Windows Restart to close Windows and start it again Stand by to keep the computer running on low power Technology in Your Life

31 Technology in Your Life
2 Operate Your Computer Project Assessment Identify Which item would you not find on the Windows desktop? Start button Recycle Bin scroll bar taskbar The correct answer is: C. scroll bar Technology in Your Life

32 Technology in Your Life
2 Operate Your Computer Project Assessment Analyze Why might it be better to use a keyboard shortcut rather than the mouse to do a particular task? When you use a shortcut, you can keep both hands on the keyboard—which is often a more efficient way to work. Technology in Your Life

33 Technology in Your Life
2 Operate Your Computer Project Assessment Make Predictions Why might you want to have multiple applications open at the same time? You might use more than one application to create a single product. For example, you might download an image from the Internet and insert it into a report—in which case, Internet Explorer and Word might both be open. Or you might create a chart in Excel and insert it into a PowerPoint presentation—so both Excel and PowerPoint might be open. Technology in Your Life

34 Technology in Your Life
Unit Technology in Your Life Unit Assessment Explore Do you think the benefits of using computers outweigh the risks? Explain your answer. Your answer may be “yes,” “no,” or even “I do not know.” In arriving at your answer, you should have considered how computers help us at school, at home, and at work—as well as how they make us and our personal information vulnerable to unethical people. Assessment Test your knowledge of technology. Go to the Online Learning Center at Choose e-Review Quizzes and take the Unit 1 > Tech Assess Quiz. Technology in Your Life

35 Technology in Your Life
Unit Technology in Your Life Unit Assessment Synthesize You have probably heard that “we are living in the information age.” Indeed, modern technology has made huge quantities of information readily available. Name three things computers can help you do with all that information. Computers can help you do the following with information: Collect information using the power of the Internet. Organize information on your computer, where it is easy to access. Communicate information through , instant messaging, Web sites, and other technologies. Technology in Your Life

36 Technology in Your Life
Unit Technology in Your Life Unit Assessment Cause and Effect Why is it important to learn computer skills? Technology is everywhere in the workplace. Having a solid knowledge of technology is one key to a great career. Most jobs today require at least basic computer experience. The more you learn now, the better off you will be later. Also, your computer skills can help you complete school assignments, search for a job, and even apply for a job online. Technology in Your Life

37 Technology in Your Life
Unit Technology in Your Life Unit Assessment Evaluate For your own protection, you should understand and follow all the rules in your school’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Listed below are some rules you might see in an AUP. Of these, which rule seems the most important to you? In other words, which one has the most severe consequences if you do not follow it? Why? “I will not damage the computer in any way.” “I will not attempt to use another person’s username or password.” “I will not install new software on the computer.” “I will not visit inappropriate Web sites.” Technology in Your Life

38 Technology in Your Life
Unit Technology in Your Life Unit Assessment Your answer might be A, B, C, or D. In arriving at your answer, you should have considered the consequences of not following each rule: A. “I will not damage the computer in any way.” Consequence of not following the rule: Expensive equipment must be replaced. Technology in Your Life

39 Technology in Your Life
Unit Technology in Your Life Unit Assessment B. “I will not attempt to use another person’s username or password.” Consequence of not following the rule: Attempting to use another person’s access information is a serious violation of privacy. It can also be considered a cybercrime, which may be punishable. Technology in Your Life

40 Technology in Your Life
Unit Technology in Your Life Unit Assessment C. “I will not install new software on the computer.” Consequence of not following the rule: If new software is installed, viruses or other damaging programs may be introduced into the computer or the network. Technology in Your Life

41 Technology in Your Life
Unit Technology in Your Life Unit Assessment D. “I will not visit inappropriate Web sites.” Consequence of not following the rule: Inappropriate Web content may offend others around you. When you visit an inappropriate Web site, viruses or spyware may be introduced into the computer or the network. Technology in Your Life

42 Technology in Your Life
Unit Technology in Your Life Unit Resources For more resources on this unit, go to the Online Learning Center at Technology in Your Life

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