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Review of Grades & Expectations

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1 Review of Grades & Expectations
We are halfway done!

2 Grading Scale/Weights
Formative: 45% (Most and many of your everyday assignments completed during class-Reading Probes, Worksheets, etc.) Warm-ups: 10% Summative: 30% (Unit Exams) Reading Counts: 15%

3 Reading Counts: Quarter 3 Dates
January 23rd: Quiz 1 February 13th: Quiz 2 March 6th: Quiz 3

4 Reading Counts Overview
3 Quizzes Taken per quarter!! That means you should have at least 6 RC quizzes taken by now (do the math!) Re-taking one on the SAME book does NOT COUNT.

5 Reading Counts Overview
It is YOUR responsibility to keep up with reading and how many quizzes you’ve taken. Time is given for going to the media center and for silent reading. Re-take quizzes in the morning--get to school early! Return books during homeroom or on your way to lunch. Ask your teacher. No excuses for not having a book or being overdue. BRING YOUR BOOK to class ALWAYS!

6 Reading Counts Overview
Re-takes: Re-take a quiz that is less than 70%, which is a passing a grade. MAX: 3 times Example: I take a quiz and get a 30% on it. :( I take it again and get a 70%--Ms. Bowden puts it in the grade book OR I take a quiz and get a 10%, then re-take it and get a 50% and then re-take it and get a 90%. Ms. Bowden puts the HIGHEST grade in Synergy for that particular book. So what is it?

7 Behavior Let’s not belabor this subject.
This is simple. Do what you are supposed to and you will succeed and be rewarded! Respect people! Respect property! Be in your seat when the bell rings doing the warm-up. Raise your hand to be called on. Do not talk when Ms. Bowden is talking or another peer is sharing. Hands and feet to yourself.

8 Behavior Consequences: Verbal Warning Silent Lunch
Detention/Parent Contact Conference/Re-direction plan WRITE-UP

9 Keep in mind... When it comes to the end of the semester and your grade is at a 69, 79, or 89….I will bump you up IF it has been evident that you have been trying your best and your behavior has been good in my class.

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