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Fire Emergency Respond

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1 Fire Emergency Respond
and Evacuation Training Prepared by: Jordan Law Revised: 3 Jun 2011

2 What Fire facilities and equipment that we have?
7 units of Fire extinguisher 3 set of Hose reel (1 Big reel- use by Bomba only) Heat + Smoke Detector Sprinkle (Operate when temperature ≥ 67˚C) Alarm (Break glass type) 2 Emergency Exit stair case It is Pressurize (Only if the Fire Door close properly) Only use door with Exit (KELUAR) Sign Fire door- 1 to 2 hours Fire resistant.

3 Location Of Fire Equipments and Facilities.
Stair case Mr. Chew Mr. Ling Lobby Fire Extinguisher Mr. Law Bomba Lift Fire Equipment Office 1 Office 2 Filling Room Toilet Fire Equipment Tiong CH Peter Hii Stair case

4 What should you do during Fire? (Fire Emergency respond)
Fire discover by YOU You are trained and confidence No confidence Inform Fire officer Try to put-off the fire/ Alert people for evacuation

5 What you should do during Fire Evacuation?
A) Please follow Evacuation Procedures below!!! When Emergency bell ringing. Bring with you or put all your personal belonging into drawer and lock it. Shut down your PC properly (IT shut down server). Change to comfortable shoes (Always spare a pair of shoes at office). Line-up at lobby, according to office (1) and (2), then by department (Get out of office within 5 minutes). Ensure your department members are all in line.

6 Evacuation Procedures
Continuous….. Evacuation Procedures 2 Fire Officers will do the head-count. Others Fire officer will counter check the office (Office 1 & 2, Boss & Managers Office, Conference Room, Pantry, Server Room, Filing Room, Toilet). 1st Officer will straightly proceed to the control Room at level 1 (Report the number of pregnant ladies or staffs who need the Bomba lift). When everyone ready, 2nd officer will lead the staff to the Emergency Assembly point (arrive there within 30 minutes).

7 Evacuation Procedures
Continuous….. Evacuation Procedures 3rd officer will join in line at the last (just in case some one need help). 4th officer accompany the pregnant/injured person for Bomba lift. (Encourage to walk down, instead of keep waiting for the Bomba lift). When everyone arrived at the Emergency Assembly Point, officer will re-counting the numbers of staff. Officer shall Report to Control Room Immediately if someone missing.

8 Evacuation Procedures
Continuous….. Evacuation Procedures Attention: Do not panic during emergency. Follow ONLY the Exit (KELUAR) Sign Always hold the handrail while walk in staircase. Be careful with the fire sprinkle when shift or move something in the office. How if the fire break out at Level 25? Everyone follow the same evacuation procedure. But, if have pregnant or injured staff, Fire officer must bring them down to at least 2 or 3 floor below level 25.

9 Familiarizes the Escape Route!
Stair case Mr. Chew Mr. Ling Lobby Office 1 Mr. Law Bomba Lift Office 2 Office 1 Office 2 Filling Room Toilet x Tiong CH Peter Hii

10 Location of Assembly Point
1st Floor

11 B) Duties Of Fire Officer
Additions….. B) Duties Of Fire Officer Received fire information. Check the situation immediately and put-off the fire. If in danger situation, Break Alarm glass for ringing the Emergency bell. Arrange for Evacuation. Line-up at lobby, lines according to office (1) and (2), then by department. Jordan- Arrange Office 1 and head count Robert- Arrange Office 2 and head count

12 B) Duties Of Fire Officer
Additions….. B) Duties Of Fire Officer Double-check the whole office (Office 1 & 2, Boss & Managers Office, Conference Room, Pantry, Server Room, Filing Room, Toilet). Make sure nobody left behind. Kiing - Check Office 1 + Toilet Chang Ling- Check Office 2 + Toilet Evacuate (5 minutes out of office, reach Assembly Point within 30 minutes) Jordan (Report to control Room immediately after head count) Robert- Lead in Front when everyone ready Kiing/Chang Ling- Walk at Last Kiing will stay with or if have pregnant or injured. If one officer absent, then 1 walk in front, 1 walk at last and 1 stay with pregnant/ injured persons. Pregnant/ injured persons encourage to walk down also, Bomba lift may take some time to arrived.

13 B) Duties Of Fire Officer
Additions….. B) Duties Of Fire Officer 1st Officer or officer walk in at front should report to Control room (at 1st Floor) if got pregnant or injured persons. Lines-up at Emergency Assembly Point, lines according to office (1) and (2), then by department. Jordan- Arrange Office 1 and head count Robert- Arrange Office 2 and head count Report to Control Room Immediately if someone missing.

14 Take the drill seriously!!!
Be aware!!! & Take the drill seriously!!! Thank You!!

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