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LAMAS Working Group June 2018

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Presentation on theme: "LAMAS Working Group June 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 LAMAS Working Group 13-14 June 2018
Agenda Item 2.3 Breaks in monthly time series

2 OUTLINE I. Background II. Typology of MUR methodologies III. Stock Taking Exercise IV. Conclusions

3 I. BACKGROUND MUR series' characteristics Main issues at stake
Principal European Economic Indicator High visibility Various methods in use Main issues at stake DSS called for a joint release strategy Interdependencies with breaks in quarterly data Uncertainty on the size of the break

4 II. Typology of MUR methodologies
Estimates from LFS sample Pure monthly extractions for 10 MS – break in reference month January 2021 3 months moving averages – break in reference month February 2021 Hybrid methods Quarterly figures essential (Main Indicators) Old concept until LFS-Q1 is available i.e. as of reference month April 2021

5 III. Stock Taking Exercise (1)
Estimates from LFS sample When will MUR data become available in the new concept? When will they become available, break-free? Hybrid methods When will quarterly LFS data (used as a benchmark) become available in the new concept? Exchange of Views: availability of data clarified by HR, MT, LT, SE, IS and NO.

6 III. Stock Taking Exercise (2)
Number of countries not able to provide any data / out of 30 8 MS until (ref. month) January 2021 6 MS until February 2021 5 MS until March 2021 2 MS until April 2021 0 MS until May 2021 Availability of break-free series 11 MS from (ref. month) May 2021 14 MS from September 2021 All MSs from January 2022

7 IV. Conclusions LAMAS delegates are invited:
To confirm or correct the information provided as regards From which reference month MUR data will become available in the new concept (even with breaks) When they will become available break-free For countries having not transmitted this information to Eurostat (DE, IE, LV, FI and the UK) to commit doing so by the end of September 2018

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