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Science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Weapons Integrated Technology Team CDE.

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Presentation on theme: "Science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Weapons Integrated Technology Team CDE."— Presentation transcript:

1 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Weapons Integrated Technology Team CDE theme day Welcome Countering Difficult Air Targets (C-DAT)

2 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Mr Robin Horne Maj Michelle Crawford Dr Philip Smith Mr Andrew Burles PL 4 DTIC SO2 J3 Ops - Jt GBAD HQ Dstl Todays presenters

3 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Agenda Define objectives, scope, boundaries

4 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Agenda Define objectives, scope, boundaries Introduce C-DAT

5 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Agenda Define objectives, scope, boundaries Introduce C-DAT Introduce current capability & operational perspective

6 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Agenda Define objectives, scope, boundaries Introduce C-DAT Introduce current capability & operational perspective Coffee

7 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Agenda Define objectives, scope, boundaries Introduce C-DAT Introduce current capability & operational perspective Coffee Introduce Maritime perspective

8 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Agenda Define objectives, scope, boundaries Introduce C-DAT Introduce current capability & operational perspective Coffee Introduce Maritime perspective A glimpse into the future

9 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Agenda Define objectives, scope, boundaries Introduce C-DAT Introduce current capability & operational perspective Coffee Introduce Maritime perspective A glimpse into the future Wash-up

10 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Agenda Define objectives, scope, boundaries Introduce C-DAT Introduce current capability & operational perspective Coffee Introduce Maritime perspective A glimpse into the future Wash-up How & what to submit

11 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Objective Reduce or eliminate threat caused by difficult air targets

12 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Scope We want to improve our ability to counter: –Rockets, artillery & mortars (C-RAM) –Tactical Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles We are concerned about: –Non-state actors –Asymmetric/homemade threats –The proliferation of sophisticated kit

13 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Whats not covered in this call

14 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Whats not covered in this call

15 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre DRIT –Detection –Recognition –Identification –Track Air Situational Awareness Command and control Dynamic Air Defence Resource Allocation Deny enemy capability through –Interception (prior to firing) –Effectors (once in flight) What is covered by this call

16 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Definitions - RAM Rockets Artillery & Mortars (RAM) –Indirect Fire weapons (IDF)

17 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre RAM

18 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre RAM – flight profiles

19 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre RAM – flight profiles

20 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre RAM – flight profiles

21 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Definitions - TUAV Tactical Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles (TUAV) –Micro UAV –Mini UAV –MALE

22 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre TUAV

23 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre 240mm Homemade 65MM Non-State Threat - RAM

24 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Hezbollah UAVs over Lebanon/Israel Hezbollah UAV post flight Non-State Threat – TUAV

25 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Asymmetric – TUAV Model aircraft

26 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Model aircraft + GPS/Autopilot Asymmetric – TUAV

27 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Model aircraft + GPS/Autopilot + Payload = Threat Asymmetric – TUAV

28 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Asymmetric – Light Aircraft Tamil Tigers modified ZLIN 143

29 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Definitions – threat credibility Threat credibility depends on: –Readiness to use Practical readiness of the target weapons system Political will –Ability to use Detection capability Targeting Availability/capability/survivability of launch –Probability of encounter May not be through direct confrontation with country of origin

30 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Future Effectors Kinetic effectors: –Rapid integration onto platform –Improved Lethality at range –Ability to take out Difficult Air Targets –Reduced collateral damage –Low cost seeker trade-offs –Rapid system upgrade –Missile commonality Non-Kinetic effectors: –Directed Energy Weapons –Soft-Kill –?

31 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Kill chain The kill chain is made up of a number of discrete events. –Each event has a time penalty: Time to detect (Td) + Time to inform (Ti) + Time to launch (Tl) + Time to cue (Tc) + Time to kill (Tk) –Anything that can reduce these time penalties improves the chances of success We need a networked whole kill chain approach to optimise response time and: Integrate available ABAD, GBAD and MFAD assets Maximise enabler system effectiveness –Ensure that we engage targets in effector probability-of-kill priority. Within this we need to improve, develop and integrate: Air target ID and tracking concepts and technology Air Situational Awareness Command and control Dynamic AD Resource Allocation

32 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Things to think about Defeat or disrupt Troops must want to use it Cost of use Vs cost of threat The target signature Your signature SWaP Manning levels Operational environment

33 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Environment

34 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Questions?

35 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Things to think about Defeat or disrupt Troops must want to use it Cost of use Vs cost of threat The target signature Your signature SWaP Manning levels Operational environment

36 science | innovation | technology Defence Technology & Innovation Centre Bid hints Identify the innovation Identify the innovation Give tangible deliverable s Give tangible deliverable s Clearly identify IPR ownership Clearly identify IPR ownership Reasonabl e GFA demands Reasonabl e GFA demands One step at a time One step at a time Implications to exploitation route Implications to exploitation route Identify subcontracto r relationship Identify subcontracto r relationship

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