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Minna Scheinin, Mauri Kantola, Marjo Joshi

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1 Institutional Support for the Development of e-learning in Higher Education
Minna Scheinin, Mauri Kantola, Marjo Joshi Turku University of Applied Sciences @MinnaScheinin

2 Research Questions Does TUAS have a governance structure and a strategic plan and guidelines and the continuous improvement procedures related to online education? How can the management help the higher education teachers at TUAS to develop e-learning and to operate in modern learning environments?

3 Testing the model The Strategic Plan of TUAS eTUBE- training program
Action Research What else is needed? Quality Scorecard Innovation pedagogy

4 The Pedagogic Strategy of TUAS
Innopeda® -based learning continuum, which combines learning and applied research, which develops the future work skills, (digital skills etc.) Traditional, lecture-based classroom teaching will be renounced The quality of life is based on the opportunity for a good and healthy life for each resident of the region. To support this, developing well-being is at the core of our activities.

5 The Impact of Social Change on future work skills


7 Results of the study Application of the Quality Scorecard
Institutional support (focussing on strategy, institutional governance and guidelines, allocation of resources and continuous improvement: Rector’s assessment: 9 questions resulted in 18/27 points ( random=13295)

8 Institutional Support for Faculty (faculty representatives’ assessment, N=4)
Statement Score (0-3) 1.       Technical assistance is provided for faculty 4(12) 2.       The institution ensures faculty receive training, assistance, and support to prepare faculty for course development 7(12) 3.       Faculty receive training and materials related to Fair Use, plagiarism, and other relevant legal and ethical concepts. 6(12) 4.       Faculty are provided on-going professional development related to blended teaching and learning. 5(12) 5.       Faculty are provided training in blended teaching. 9(12) ( random=13295)

9 Results of the study N=22 Percentage Strongly disagree 1 4,55%
eTUBE questionnare: Developing online teaching skills is an essential part of my professional development N=22 Percentage Strongly disagree 1 4,55% Disagree to some extent Neither agree nor disagree Agree to some extent 7 31,82% Strongly agree 12 54,55%

10 Results of the study My line manager has been supportive of development of my online teaching skills. N=22 Percentage Strongly disagree 0% Disagree to some extent 1 4,55% Neither agree nor disagree 7 31,82% Agree to some extent 8 36,36% Strongly agree 6 27,27%

11 Conclusions the administration is more optimistic on the realisation of the e-strategy than the operative level (questionnaire and interview) 2. the institutional support is important for the academic staff and their e-learning implementations eTUBE seems to support the continuing professional development (CPD) of the academic staff 4. strategic decision making and guidance are crucial in developing e-learning in HE

12 Further studies more data needed eTUBE 2: advanced course is needed
International comparisons would be of great interest How can the QS be implemented as an instrument for ensuring the adequate institutional support for e-learning?

13 What kind of institutional support for the development of e-learning do you offer at your institution? How would you like to collaborate with us in order to develop the ideas?

14 Thank you! Contact:

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