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Asking for specific information Comment demander des informations précises.

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Presentation on theme: "Asking for specific information Comment demander des informations précises."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asking for specific information Comment demander des informations précises

2 Parts of the question 1. Question word/phrase: this is the specific information being requested a) E.g. Quand, Où, Avec qui, Quel chemise, etc. 2. Subject: the subject of the sentence a) E.g. tu, vous, etc. 3. Verb 4. Rest of the sentence: everything after the verb

3 Question forming strategies with inversion 1. Start with a statement that you will turn into a question. a) Use the subject and verb only (leave out the question word/phrase and rest of sentence) E.g. Ask your friend (tu) for the following info: quel programme / regarder à la télé Statement: Tu as regardé

4 Question forming strategies with inversion 2. Take statement: Tu as regardé a) Perform inversion: As-tu regardé 3. Put question word/phrase in front a) Quel programme as-tu regardé 4. Add rest of sentence a) Quel programme as-tu regardé à la télé?

5 Question forming strategies with est-ce que 1. Start with a statement that you will turn into a question. a) Use the subject and verb only (leave out the question word/phrase and rest of sentence) E.g. Ask your friend (tu) for the following info: quand / manger le sandwich Statement: Tu as mangé

6 Question forming strategies with est-ce que 2. Take statement: Tu as mangé a) Add est-ce que: Est-ce que tu as mangé 3. Put question word/phrase in front a) Quand est-ce que tu as mangé 4. Add rest of sentence a) Quand est-ce que tu as mangé le sandwich?

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