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Internet Traffic Analysis: Coseners, 2019 Mohammed Alasmar ‘19.

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1 Internet Traffic Analysis: Coseners, 2019 Mohammed Alasmar ‘19

2 2  Reliable traffic modelling is important for network planning, deployment and management; e.g. (1) network dimensioning, (2) traffic billing.  Historically, network traffic has been widely assumed to follow a Gaussian distribution.  Deciding whether Internet flows could be heavy-tailed became important as this implies significant departures from Gaussianity. Motivations

3 Traffic volumes at different T  Aggregation at different sampling times (T) Internet trace.pacp

4 4 Traffic volumes at different T T = 5 sec T = 1 sec T = 10 msec

5 Goal 5 T = 10 ms T = 1 sec T = 5 sec Goal  Investigating the distribution of the amount of traffic per unit time using a robust statistical approach.

6 6 Goal

7 7 Goal T = 10 ms T = 1 sec T = 5 sec

8 8 Dataset #Traces Twente 1 40 MAWI 2 107 Auckland 3 25 Waikato 4 30 Caida 5 27 [1], 2009. [2], 2016-2018. [3], 2009. [4], 2010-2011. [5], 2016.  We study a large number of traffic traces (230) from many different networks: 2009  2018 Datasets

9 9  Our analysis is based on the framework proposed in:  The framework combines maximum-likelihood fitting methods with goodness-of-fit tests based on the Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistic and likelihood ratios. Power-law test

10 10 Power-law test Power-law distribution: introduce new variables In practice, few empirical phenomena obey power laws for all values of x. More often the power law applies only for values greater than some minimum xmin. In such cases we say that the tail of the distribution follows a power law Who is going to ask about the scale here?

11 11 Power-law test

12 12 Weibull Lognormal Exponential power-law likelihood function alternative likelihood function  The method tests whether the power-law distribution is the best model for a specific dataset, or, if not, whether an alternative statistical distribution is.

13 13 Normalised Log-Likelihood Ratio (LLR) T=100 msec Circled points p > 0.1 The log- normal is the best fit for the vast majority of traces.

14 14 Waikato traces MAWI traces Twente traces Auckland traces The log-normal distribution is not the best fit for … Anomalous traces The log-normal distribution is the best fit for the vast majority of traces. o 1 out of 25 Auckland traces o 9 out of 107 MAWI traces o 1 out of 27 CAIDA traces o 2 out of 30 Waikato traces o 5 out of 40 Twente traces

15 15 Anomalous traces  Anomalous traces are a poor fit for all distributions tried.  This is often due to traffic outages or links that hit maximum capacity. Log-normal trace Anomalous trace

16 16 Normalised Log-Likelihood Ratio (LLR) test results for all studied traces and log-normal distribution at different timescales CAIDA traces At different sampling times: T

17 17 The correlation coefficient test CAIDA traces Gaussian Log-normal

18 18  Bandwidth provisioning approach provides the link by the essential bandwidth that guarantees the required performance.  Overprovisioning. In the conventional methods the bandwidth is allocated by up-grading the link bandwidth to 30% of the average traffic value. Use case 1: Bandwidth provisioning

19 19  The following inequality (the ‘link transparency formula’) has been used for bandwidth provisioning: Use case 1: Bandwidth provisioning

20 The horizontal lines represent the calculated link capacity based on different models. MAWI traces 20 Expected link capacity Gaussian Weibull Log-normal Use case 1: Bandwidth provisioning

21 21 Log-normal Weibull Gaussian M: MAWI, T: Twente, C: CAIDA, W: Waikato, A: Auckland Bandwidth provisioning: Results 0.5

22 22 Use case 2: 95th percentile pricing Burstable Billing  Customers are not billed for brief spikes in network traffic. [5 minutes] Percentile

23 23 Log-normal model provides much more accurate predictions of the 95th percentile. 95th percentile pricing: Results The red reference line to show where perfect predictions would be located. MAWI traces

24 24 Thanks! Questions? More details ….

25 25  The distribution of traffic on Internet links is an important problem that has received relatively little attention.  We use a well-known, state-of-the-art statistical framework to investigate the problem using a large corpus of traces.  We investigated the distribution of the amount of traffic observed on a link in a given (small) aggregation period which we varied from 5 msec to 5 sec.  The vast majority of traces fitted the lognormal assumption best and this remained true all timescales tried.  We investigate the impact of the distribution on two sample traffic engineering problems. 1.Firstly, we looked at predicting the proportion of time a link will exceed a given capacity. 2.Secondly, we looked at predicting the 95th percentile transit bill that ISP might be given.  For both of these problems the log-normal distribution gave a more accurate result than heavy-tailed distribution or a Gaussian distribution. Summary

26 26 Backup ……

27 Uncertainty in the fitted parameters (Bootstrapping) Goodness-of-fit p-value Alternative is favoured p > 0.1 p < 0.1 Ho: Power-law is favoured fail to reject Ho reject Ho None is favoured Power-law is favoured None is favoured p > 0.1 p < 0.1p > 0.1 p < 0.1 None is favoured Alternative is favoured None is favoured p > 0.1 p < 0.1 1 2 3 4 5 Power-law Test Power-law test [Ref] A. Clauset, C. S. Rohilla, and M. Newman, “Power-law distributions in empirical data,” arXiv:0706.1062v2, 2009.

28 28 Auckland traces Twente tracesWaikato traces CAIDA traces

29 29 Log-normal Weibull Meent

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