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Extension of the European statistical programme Roadmap

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1 Extension of the European statistical programme 2013-17 Roadmap
Thana Chrissanthaki, Eurostat Task Force Integrated Planning ESS RDG 13 June 2014

2 Characteristics of the ESP
ESP provides the legislative framework for the development, production and dissemination of European statistics (Regulation 223 Art 1: European statistics are determined in the ESP) ESP defines the Union financial envelope for the implementation of the programme ESP defines objectives and statistical outputs based on a statistical information infrastructure ESS RDG 13 June 2014

3 Objectives of ESP 1. Provide statistical information, in a timely manner, to support the development, monitoring and evaluation of the policies of the Union properly reflecting priorities, while keeping a balance between economic, social and environmental fields and serving the needs of the wide range of users of European statistics, including other decision-makers, researchers, businesses and European citizens in general, in a cost-effective manner without unnecessary duplication of effort. ESS RDG 13 June 2014

4 Objectives of ESP Implement new methods of production of European statistics aiming at efficiency gains and quality improvements. Strengthen the partnership within the ESS and beyond in order to further enhance its productivity and its leading role in official statistics worldwide. 4. Ensure that delivery of such statistics is kept consistent throughout the whole duration of the programme, provided that this does not interfere with the priority-setting mechanisms of the ESS. ESS RDG 13 June 2014

5 Statistical information infrastructure
ESS RDG 13 June 2014

6 Context of the extension
Current programme covers Need to synchronise the ESP with the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014 to 2020 Foreseen in the current programme and recommended by the European Court of Auditors and the European Parliament ESS RDG 13 June 2014

7 Context of the extension
Need to take into account: • ESS Vision 2020: ESP will be the key legislative instrument for implementing and funding the Vision. • Evolution of user needs • Resource constraints of statistical producers in Member States and Eurostat ESS RDG 13 June 2014

8 Roadmap overview – adoption of the programme (by end 2017)
ESS RDG 13 June 2014

9 Roadmap – preparation Commission proposal (by end 2015)
ESS RDG 13 June 2014

10 Roadmap – next steps 1. Preparation of the legal act and proposals for methods of production and partnership (objectives 2 and 3) as soon as the ESS Vision 2020 is available: In the DGINS, discussion on strategic guidelines in light of the ESS Vision 2020: Sept. 2014 First draft legal act and of objectives 2 and 3 to ESSC: Nov. 2014 ESS RDG 13 June 2014

11 Roadmap – next steps 2. Preparation of the list of statistical outputs (objective 1) Impact assessment Oct to Oct. 2015 Collect user needs: Oct Feb. 2015 ESAC meeting: Nov. 2014 Analysis of user needs: March-May 2015 Discussion Directors Group: Apr.-Oct. 2015 First draft of objective 1 to ESSC: May 2015 ESS RDG 13 June 2014

12 Roadmap – next steps 3. The draft Commission proposal will be submitted to the ESSC in autumn 2015. ESS RDG 13 June 2014

13 Consultation RDG June 2014 on the roadmap
June 2015 before launching Commission proposal ESS RDG 13 June 2014

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