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When is it time to be baptized?

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Presentation on theme: "When is it time to be baptized?"— Presentation transcript:

1 When is it time to be baptized?
Acts 18:8

2 How do we know when it is time to be baptized?

3 How do we know when it is time to be baptized?
I know its time when… I have heard the word of God Romans 10:17; Acts 18:8; Acts 16:14-15

4 How do we know when it is time to be baptized?
I know its time when… I have heard the word of God I understand the seriousness of sin Acts 2:22-38; Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23; Eph. 2:1-3; Mark 16:16

5 How do we know when it is time to be baptized?
I know its time when… I have heard the word of God I understand the seriousness of sin I know my commitment and responsibility to God and His church 1 Corinthians 12:13; Acts 8:12; Acts 2:47

6 How do we know when it is time to be baptized?
I know its time when… I have heard the word of God I understand the seriousness of sin I know my commitment and responsibility to God and His church 1 Corinthians 12:13; Acts 8:12; Acts 2:47 Luke 14:28-33; Matt. 11:28-30;Rom. 12:1-2

7 How do we know when it is time to be baptized?
I know its time when… I have heard the word of God I understand the seriousness of sin I know my commitment and responsibility to God and His church I recognize it’s the next step in being obedient to God Acts 8:26-40

8 Do I have to be baptized again if I have already been baptized?
Yes, because there is only one true baptism! Ephesians 4:5

9 Do I have to be baptized again if I have already been baptized?
Yes, because there is only one true baptism! Yes, if my first baptism was wrong! Acts 19:2-5;Luke 7:29-30;Ezek. 18:20

10 Do I have to be baptized again if I have already been baptized?
Yes, because there is only one true baptism! Yes, if my first baptism was wrong! Yes, if I am not confident I was baptized for the right reasons!

11 What can parents do to make sure their child is ready for baptism?
As a parent I can ensure my child is mature enough to be baptized by: Realizing maturity and readiness does NOT come at a certain age Romans 7:7-9

12 What can parents do to make sure their child is ready for baptism?
As a parent I can ensure my child is mature enough to be baptized by: Realizing maturity and readiness does NOT come at a certain age Making sure they know about sin Romans 3:23

13 What can parents do to make sure their child is ready for baptism?
As a parent I can ensure my child is mature enough to be baptized by: Realizing maturity and readiness does NOT come at a certain age Making sure they know about sin Making sure they understand commitment to Christ Galatians 2:20

14 What can parents do to make sure their child is ready for baptism?
As a parent I can ensure my child is mature enough to be baptized by: Realizing maturity and readiness does NOT come at a certain age Making sure they know about sin Making sure they understand commitment to Christ Making sure they’re not just memorizing scriptures

15 What can parents do to make sure their child is ready for baptism?
As a parent I can ensure my child is mature enough to be baptized by: Realizing maturity and readiness does NOT come at a certain age Making sure they know about sin Making sure they understand commitment to Christ Making sure they’re not just memorizing scriptures Making sure they need to be baptized NOW! Acts 22:16

16 Is it time for you to be baptized?
What about you? – Acts 2:37 We can know when it is time to be baptized! Is it time for you to be baptized?

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