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CUE Farm Compost Butler University, Fall 2017

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1 CUE Farm Compost Butler University, Fall 2017
Grace Hart, Environmental Studies Problem: The current compost structure fell apart due to poor initial construction. The compost material was spilling out the sides and it was overgrown with plants. There was no proper maintenance schedule to prevent these things from happening. Research was conducted mainly using anecdotal information to determine the ideal approach to small farm composting. Primary goals: Cost effective Long-lasting Replaceable parts Sifter feature Pest resistant Products: Maintenance procedures Compost building plans Price estimates This project provided a sustainable compost system and structure to help the CUE continue its mission to “Innovatively explore, steward, and enhance urban ecosystems.” End Product: A triple bin compost structure with a half-door on the front of each bin for easy access to finished compost that is pest resistant because of the use of hardware cloth. The inexpensive materials (Palettes) are easy to remove and replace, which will increase the longevity of the structure. It rests on cinderblocks, avoiding direct ground contact and therefore preventing decomposition of the wood palettes. A weekly maintenance system was set to keep ideal conditions for compost. Future Steps: Construction of the structure, implementation of maintenance procedures

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