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Broadcasting Buzz Words 1

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Presentation on theme: "Broadcasting Buzz Words 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Broadcasting Buzz Words 1

2 Anchor - a host of a regular news broadcast

3 Reporter - A writer, investigator, or presenter of news stories

4 Camera Operator – Person who mans a camera during a broadcast.

5 Director - A news director controls the news gallery during the news output. He/she selects and calls up the different camera angles, incoming video, graphics and guests. He/she oversees the output of the program while it is on air and makes sure of it's smooth running and the look of the program

6 Sound Engineer – Person who monitors and controls the audio levels and microphones during the news broadcast

7 Graphics Engineer – Person who controls what computer images make it onto the news program. This person also mans the graphics computer during the show.

8 Executive Producer – This person oversees the entire news presentation
Executive Producer – This person oversees the entire news presentation. All major decisions go through the executive producer. He/she also mans the broadcasting computer to make sure that the show is broadcasting appropriately.

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