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“Day F” December 21, :57 - 8:45 Exploratory 8:47 - 9:35

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Presentation on theme: "“Day F” December 21, :57 - 8:45 Exploratory 8:47 - 9:35"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Day F” December 21, 2015 7:57 - 8:45 Exploratory 8:47 - 9:35
7: :45 Exploratory 8: :35 Social Studies 9: :25 English 10: :00 11: :31 11: :03 LUNCH Math Express Math Express 12: :54 Science 12: :44 Math (you need your binder) 1: :30 Bring your lunch with you, lockers will be after lunch. Cell phones are in lockers Gum is in trash locker locker Your schedule for today! locker

2 Opposites of Numbers and the Opposite of the Opposite of a Number
Outcome: students determine the appropriate scale given a set of opposites in real-world situations and understand that each nonzero integer has an opposite, and that the opposite of the opposite is the original number in order to complete centers. 6.NS.C.6a

3 Opening Problem Take out your math test and make sure your name is on it. Take a Practice Common Assessment 3 and complete.

4 Group Poster: 5 minutes- WRAP IT UP!
Create your own real-world situation involving: Money Temperature Elevation Other real world scenarios Include: Title (ex. Sea level, Temperature) Written situation based on title (use at least 2 points) A BLANK vertical number line Answer key (separate piece of paper stapled to back) Picture (IF TIME)

5 Exploratory Stations Zero in the real world What did you say?
Pg. 16 # 4 and #5 Opposite of the opposite Pg. 19 #3 (all) What did you say? Pg. 19; notation cards Each station has a “silent teacher”/example. You will need to read through it and the directions for each station before you ask for help. It is important to stay on task as you will only have about 5 minutes at each station.

6 How do you feel? topic.

7 Ticket to go Jane completes several example problems that ask her to the find the opposite of the opposite of a number, and for each example, the result is a positive number. Jane concludes that when she takes the opposite of the opposite of any number, the result will always be positive. Is Jane correct? Why or why not?

8 Homework Pg. 19 # 4

9 Accommodations Read or reread presentation or activity directions, as needed or after prompting Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners

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