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Solihull Taster Session

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1 Solihull Taster Session
Dr Donna Paxton & Elaine Ogilvie

2 The Psychology of Parenting Project
We deliver a strength based, trauma informed, programme of work that focuses on building strong parent – child relationships. Empowering families and supporting parents to parent in ways that promote resilience in their children.  This helps to buffer the impact of adverse childhood experiences and will ultimately improve the mental health and well being of very young children.

3 The Psychology of Parenting Project
This work utilises evidence-based parenting interventions for use by a multi- sector children’s workforce, incorporating an implementation science framework. Independent analysis of outcomes of this work has shown that we are achieving significant improvements that are known to make life changing differences to these children. To date we have trained 732 early years workers who have delivered these parenting interventions to around 5800 parents and caregivers, allowing 62% of children to shift out of their high, risk- laden developmental trajectory. 

4 Perinatal Mental Health
Perinatal Curricular Framework launched in February 2019 Available on Turas Learn  Education and training for perinatal and infant mental health workforce (linked to the Framework) to be taken forward jointly by NES and PMHN       

5 What is the Solihull Approach?
The Solihull approach comprises of a suite of standardised trainings designed to help practitioners think psychologically about development in the earliest years of life and to integrate an understanding of infant mental health into their everyday practice.  Practitioners trained via the Solihull Approach Cascade in Scotland (SACS - funded by NES) are trained in either Foundation or Ante-natal Level.

6 Solihull Approach Cascade in Scotland (SACS)
Started in 2014 Scottish Government Commitment to make foundation IMH training more widely available Trainers from Health & Social Care, Education and 3rd Sector SACS will continue in 2019/20

7 SACS Headline Data (May 2019)
Number of Solihill trainers trained since 2014 112 Number of Practitioners trained via SACS since 2014  1112 Number of NHS Boards that have Participated in training  14 Number of Cascades delivered in 2018/19 21  Number of Solihull Trainers Trained in 2018/19 22 Number of Practitioners Trained in 2018/19  128


9 Key Features of Foundation Level Training
Small Group (12) Welcoming Nurturing Containing Relaxed 2 Days Training with 2 weeks in between

10 Training Methods Manualised Group Discussion Video Clips Group Work
Case Studies Theory to Practice Links Homework Tasks

11 Brave New World 2.50

12 Training activity Participants divide into 4 Groups
2 groups to think of what it is like to be the parent and the other 2 groups to think of what it is like to be a child in relation to feeding/sleeping/toilet training/play

13 Reciprocity: rupture and repair

14 Evaluation Data collected by NES and Solihull Approach NES report data to Scottish Government Trainers receive immediate feedback

15 Relevance of this training and the Solihull Approach to your work

16 While recognising the training programme is very full, was there enough time for questions and discussions?

17 Presentation by trainers

18 Key things learnt from Solihull Training

19 How will you use what you have learnt back in the workplace?

20 Key Messages Its all about relationships About relationships
©Solihull Approach

21 Questions/ Comments

22 Further Information
For enquiries about training contact:


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