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Climate Psychiatry Alliance Progress report

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1 Climate Psychiatry Alliance Progress report
David Pollack, Md Professor emeritus for public policy Oregon health and Science university

2 CPA Organizational development
Formed in early 2017 Developed steering committee with biweekly conference calls Created website Obtaining 501c3 nonprofit status Developed liaisons with key psychiatric professional organizations (APA, AACP, GAP) and other climate and health related groups (MSCCH, USCHA, GCCHE, PSR) Launched monthly columns in two major psychiatric trade papers

Clinical Understand, prevent, treat MH impacts, participate in Transformational Resilience and other public health initiatives. Administrative Reduce carbon utilization of small practices, clinics, hospitals, research facilities; disaster preparation and response. Advocacy Disabuse denial, disinvest in fossil fuels, develop and disseminate climate and health impact statements and calls to action, advise policy leaders. Research Promote projects to address key questions relating to climate and mental health. Education Provide professional training, incorporate relevant and timely content into all health trainee curricula.

4 American psychiatric association related activities
Developed climate and mental health position paper, passed by APA in 2017 Created APA caucus on mental health and climate change Collaborated with others to create APA’s climate web page Submitted numerous scientific sessions for apa’s two national conferences each year (13 sessions being presented at the apa annual meeting in may, 2019) Submitted and achieved passage in November, 2018, of APA Assembly action paper to divest from fossil fuels (6 new action papers for upcoming assembly meeting)

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