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Meta-Data: the key to accessing Data and Information

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Presentation on theme: "Meta-Data: the key to accessing Data and Information"— Presentation transcript:

1 Meta-Data: the key to accessing Data and Information
Introduction What is Meta-Data? Why is Meta-Data Important? What’s new about Meta-Data? 8/9/2019 Meta-Data: Introduction

2 Meta-Data: Introduction
What is Meta-Data? Data about Data any information that might be needed to ensure a correct analysis or interpretation of a set of data or a statistical summary Broad Range Technical descriptions of files, through to Abstract specification of concepts 8/9/2019 Meta-Data: Introduction

3 Meta-Data Users and Components
8/9/2019 Meta-Data: Introduction

4 Levels of Meta-Data The structure in Bridge
Thesaurus Statistician’s Desktop Type Browser/Editor Implementation Information Base External user Statis-tician Production Thesaurus Type Browser / Editor Statisticians Desktop Implementation Information Base 8/9/2019 Meta-Data: Introduction

5 Why is Meta-Data important?
Sharing data ‘In my head’ is not good enough Archiving Secondary users need good information Discovery Does data exist that can help me answer a problem? Automation Parameterisation of standardised processes 8/9/2019 Meta-Data: Introduction

6 Meta-Data: Introduction
What’s New? Internet Vastly improved ease and scope of accessibility XML (eXtended Markup Language) Representation and exchange of complex data structures But what are the structures? Money Data Warehouses, OLAP Commercial pressures for Standardisation The biggest opportunity for statistical processing for years 8/9/2019 Meta-Data: Introduction

7 Meta-Data: Introduction
XML Markup Language Text with Tags (<Field> field contents </Field>) Nested Tags => multiple hierarchies Generic language Tags not defined, only the language structure Generic tools to read and write XML Interface tools for application developers Presentation tools, style sheets DTD - Document Type Definition Rules about the specific tags and structures allowed in a specific context Standardisation => Develop DTD, plus semantics 8/9/2019 Meta-Data: Introduction

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