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5th Grade book project due December 16

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1 5th Grade book project due December 16
Book Project Samples 5th Grade book project due December 16

2 Directions Choose a book that is over 100 pages and a challenging reading level. Your book must be approved by the teacher. Pace your reading so you will finish the book in plenty of time to work on your project. Include the Title and Author Using complete sentences and details from the book describe the main character(s), setting, theme, plot, problem, solution, and your favorite part. Rate the book using one to five stars and explain your rating. Include a project that represents a main part of the story or your favorite part. The story elements of the story above must be included as part of your project or written and attached to your project.

3 Trifold

4 Book Report Float

5 Triarama or Diorama

6 Poster

7 Timeline

8 Mobile

9 Movie Book Report Web site for directions:

10 Book Jacket

11 Paper Mache

12 Pop-up

13 Game Board

14 Power point Presentation

15 Giant Postcard

16 Flip Book

17 Other projects to try: T-shirt Pizza book Report Comic Strip

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