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The Union Threatened.

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1 The Union Threatened

2 North and South Division
In 1850 the Southern plantations depended on slavery The North had factories, did not depend on slavery and apposed it The Fugitive Slave Act required alleged escaped slaves to be returned to their masters In 1860 Abraham Lincoln won the presidency and the Southerners believed they had lost their power leading them to seceded (leave) from the USA

3 1861 The Civil War begins Lincoln sent the troops to fight to restore/reunite the Union The North had many advantages: 1) it had more people 2) more factories 3) more food production 4) better railroads The South had better military generals such as Robert E. Lee The Proclamation Emancipation allowed African Americans to enlist in the Union (North) army but conscription (draft) occurred on both sides

4 1865 The North Wins the Civil War
The North wins the key battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg The North wins the war in 1865 and Southern Soldiers were allowed to go home (not to prison) 620,000 soldiers were killed during the Civil War, Southern railroads were destroyed, and Southern farms were in ruins 5 days after the war ended Lincoln was killed by John Booth and the 13th Amendment abolished slavery

5 Reconstruction The Reconstruction (rebuilding) of The South was aided by Freedman’s Bureau It helped with food, clothing, built schools and hospitals for former slaves Many white racist southerners hated African Americans and formed the violent Ku Klux Klan (KKK) Divided politicians, removal of federal troops in the south, bank failures and economic depression ended the Reconstruction of the South

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