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Econ 427 lecture 16 slides Stability Tests Byron Gangnes.

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Presentation on theme: "Econ 427 lecture 16 slides Stability Tests Byron Gangnes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Econ 427 lecture 16 slides Stability Tests Byron Gangnes

2 Recursive Estimation If our model is:
We estimate it starting with a small sample and increasing the sample length by one period each time. This gives us a time series of each parameter: Byron Gangnes

3 Recursive Residuals Can calculate the time series of recursive residuals: The standard errors of these residuals are not the same at each point (why not?) Byron Gangnes

4 Standardized recursive resids
Byron Gangnes

5 CUSUM test Can compare to tabulate values (EViews does) Byron Gangnes

6 A Model with Constant Params
Byron Gangnes

7 A Model with Non-Constant Params
Byron Gangnes

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