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Administrative Leadership

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1 Administrative Leadership
Managers vs. Leaders Motivation Needs Achievement drive Expectancy Job Satisfaction Leadership Leadership qualities Leadership and power Theories of leadership

2 Glossary Leadership = influencing people to strive willingly to attain the goals of the organization Management = coordinating resources to accomplish goals Motivation = sum of all energizing forces internal and external to an individual that results in behavior Motives = Need = physical or psychological deficiency Goal = aim of action Power =

3 Motivation Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory
Needs Motives Achieve goals Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Self-actualization Esteem Social Safety Physiological A satisfied need is no longer a motivator Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory Maintenance factors Motivational factors

4 Achievement Motivation Theory
Need to achieve responds to _____ seeks _______ challenges takes _________; wants __________ Need for power enjoys __________ and exercise of power seeks ___________ Need for affiliation wants to be liked seeks ________, socializing joins ____________

5 Motivation Operant conditioning/ Reinforcement: people perform in order to __________ and ___________ ____________ helps determine ___________

6 Motivation _________theory: people make decisions based on expectations that their choice will lead to a desired outcome expectancy that action will __________ ______ placed on the reward

7 Job Satisfaction Individual’s general attitude toward job (vs. _____, which is the attitude of the group) related to turnover, absenteeism, tardiness, accidents, grievances does satisfaction performance? working conditions affect satisfaction Foodservice is traditionally a ____ turnover, ___ job satisfaction industry annual turnover rates of >100% for hourly employees

8 Leadership Authority is enough to get people to _____________.
Leadership is needed to get people to ________________.

9 Components of Leadership
Vision define and communicate mission... Empowerment accepting responsibility, especially for failures create sense of community, team remove _____________ Consistency earn trust; be reliable integrity of words and action

10 Leadership and Power Positional = authority due to _____
Personal = authority due to __________ Expert: respect knowledge/ experience Connection: networks valued

11 Theories of Leadership
Scientific management Human relations Theory X and Theory Y

12 Theories of Leadership
Situational management leadership L = (l,f,s) l: traits, personality f: attitudes, maturity, personality s: variables of the given situation; e.g. how structured is the task? Contingency theories there is no one “best” method leadership style depends on task, power structure, relationships

13 Dimensions of Leadership Behavior
_____-orientation “initiating structure” organization, procedures, skills “consideration” relationships, trust, respect

14 Dimensions of Leadership Behavior
Leadership style Follower readiness Telling Selling Participating Delegating Unable and unwilling* Unable but willing* Able but unwilling Able and willing *Unwilling or insecure; willing and confident

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