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Geographical and temporal differences in gastric and oesophageal cancer in Europe

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2 Geographical and temporal differences in gastric and oesophageal cancer in Europe
Francesco Giusti, Carmen Martos, Emanuele Crocetti, Giorgia Randi, Luciana Neamtiu, Tadeusz Dyba, Nadya Dimitrova, Manuela Flego, Raquel N. Carvalho, Manola Bettio European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) IACR - NAACCR Combined Annual Conference, Vancouver, June 11-13, 2019

3 Background (1) Gastric and oesophageal cancer are characterised by low survival. Stomach cancer incidence has been decreasing for several decades. However, the trends are not homogeneous across gastric subtypes (the decline has been greater for non-cardia gastric cancer). Overall oesophageal cancer incidence has been increasing, mainly due to adenocarcinoma. IACR - NAACCR Combined Annual Conference, Vancouver, June 11-13, 2019

4 Background (2) Geographical and trend variations could reflect differences in the risk factor exposure. Accuracy of topography subsites and specific morphology codes are used as data quality indicators in gastric and oesophageal cancers. IACR - NAACCR Combined Annual Conference, Vancouver, June 11-13, 2019

5 Objective The objective of this exploratory study is to highlight geographical and temporal differences in the distribution of topography subtypes and specific morphology codes in Europe for the period IACR - NAACCR Combined Annual Conference, Vancouver, June 11-13, 2019

6 Materials and methods Malignant tumours of Oesophagus (C15), gastro-oesophageal junction (C16.0) and Stomach (C16.1-C16.9) Basis of diagnosis 1-7 (no DCOs) Incidence periods: vs 54 Cancer registries from 19 European Countries 909,287 cases analysed N Europe W Europe E Europe S Europe Data N/A IACR - NAACCR Combined Annual Conference, Vancouver, June 11-13, 2019

7 Results (1) IACR - NAACCR Combined Annual Conference, Vancouver, June 11-13, 2019

8 Results (2) IACR - NAACCR Combined Annual Conference, Vancouver, June 11-13, 2019

9 Results (3) IACR - NAACCR Combined Annual Conference, Vancouver, June 11-13, 2019

10 Results (4) IACR - NAACCR Combined Annual Conference, Vancouver, June 11-13, 2019

11 Results (5) IACR - NAACCR Combined Annual Conference, Vancouver, June 11-13, 2019

12 Results (6) IACR - NAACCR Combined Annual Conference, Vancouver, June 11-13, 2019

13 Conclusions (1) Geographical and temporal differences in the distribution of topography subtypes and morphology were observed in stomach and oesophagus cancer in Europe. In particular, different proportions of cases with non-specific topography or morphology has been observed among European regions. IACR - NAACCR Combined Annual Conference, Vancouver, June 11-13, 2019

14 Conclusions (2) Applying the different definitions of Oesophagus (C15.0-C16.0) - Stomach (C16.1-C16.9) or Oesophagus (C15.0-C15.9) - Stomach (C16.0-C16.9) could impact incidence and survival estimations. Further analyses to identify and quantify the impact of these definitions on incidence and survival are needed. IACR - NAACCR Combined Annual Conference, Vancouver, June 11-13, 2019

15 Stay in touch! @EU_ScienceHub
EU Science Hub - Joint Research Centre Joint Research Centre EU Science Hub

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