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Sections Congruent Triangle Laws SSS, SAS, ASA, and AAS

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Presentation on theme: "Sections Congruent Triangle Laws SSS, SAS, ASA, and AAS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sections 4.3- 4.4 Congruent Triangle Laws SSS, SAS, ASA, and AAS

2 Objectives Name and label corresponding parts of congruent triangles
Identify congruence transformations Use Tringle Congruence SSS, SAS, ASA, and AAS

3 What are  Δs? Definition of Congruent Triangles:
Triangles that are the same shape and size are congruent. Remember: Each triangle has three sides and three angles. If all six of the corresponding parts are congruent then the triangles are congruent.

4 CPCTC CPCTC – Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent
Be sure to label  Δs with proper mappings (i.e. if D  L, V  P, W  M, DV  LP, VW  PM, and WD  ML then we must write ΔDVW  ΔLPM)

5 Congruence Transformations
Congruency amongst triangles does not change when you… slide, turn, or flip

6 So, to prove Δs  must we prove ALL sides & ALL s are  ?
NO! There are some shortcuts… SSS SAS ASA AAS

7 SSS Side-Side-Side  Postulate
If 3 sides of one Δ are  to 3 sides of another Δ, then the Δs are .

8 Example: SSS If seg AB  seg ED, seg AC  seg EF, & seg BC  seg DF, then ΔABC  ΔEDF. E D F A B C

9 Given: QR  UT, RS  TS, QS = 10, US = 10 Prove: ΔQRS  ΔUTS
Example 1: Given: QR  UT, RS  TS, QS = 10, US = 10 Prove: ΔQRS  ΔUTS U U Q Q 10 10 10 10 R R S S T T

10 Example 1: Statements Reasons________ QR  UT, RS  TS, 1.
QS=10, US=10 2. QS = US 3. QS  US 4. ΔQRS  ΔUTS

11 SAS  Side-Angle-Side 
If 2 sides and the included  of one Δ are  to 2 sides and the included  of another Δ, then the 2 Δs are .

12 Example: SAS If seg BC  seg YX, seg AC  seg ZX, & C  X, then ΔABC  ΔZYX. B Y ) ( A C X Z

13 Given: WX  XY, VX  ZX Prove: ΔVXW  ΔZXY
Example 2: Given: WX  XY, VX  ZX Prove: ΔVXW  ΔZXY W Z X 1 2 V Y

14 Example 2: Statements Reasons_______ 1. WX  XY; VX  ZX 1.
2. 1   3. Δ VXW  Δ ZXY W Z X 1 2 V Y

15 ASA  If 2 angles and the included side of one Δ are  to 2 angles and the included side of another Δ, then the 2 Δs are .

16 < S  < Q, ST  QT, and < STR  <QTR, then Δ SRT  Δ QRT
Example: ASA < S  < Q, ST  QT, and < STR  <QTR, then Δ SRT  Δ QRT S Q R T

17 AAS  If 2 angles and the non-included side of one Δ are  to 2 angles and the non-included side of another Δ, then the 2 Δs are .

18 If DR  AG and < DAR  < DGR Then Δ DRA  Δ DRG.
Example: AAS: If DR  AG and < DAR  < DGR Then Δ DRA  Δ DRG. D R A G

19 Example Proof #3 Given: < KLJ and < MLJ are right angles; < K  < M Prove: Δ KLJ  Δ MLJ J K L M

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