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Did Lord Durham Change anything?

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1 Did Lord Durham Change anything?
Aftermath of the Rebellions of 1837

2 Government of Upper and Lower Canada
Government est. by Constitutional Act in 1791 Power limited by governors and councils Members of legislative councils were voted in for life Political party with most power in unelected council was Chateau Clique Believed that power should be in hands of a few capable people Wanted the Roman Catholic church to stay power Parti Patriote led by Louis Papineau wanted accountability from Governor REBELLION OF 1837 Key Battle St. Eustache- rebellion collapses British troops charged and the rebellion lost Papineau flees to U.S.

3 Government of Upper and Lower Canada
Government of Upper Canada Government established by Constitutional Act in 1791 Two main political groups Family Compact (Tories) Businessmen and elite Lieutenant Governor Bond Head represented their views Reformers Led by Robert Baldwin and William Lyon Mackenzie When Lower Canada rebellion begins, Bond Head sends troops to seize Toronto Mackenzie later organizes Upper Canada revolt beginning at Montgomery’s Tavern March down Yonge Street Attack lasted about half hour Rebel forces dispersed

4 Family Compact Upper Canada has an elite called Family Compact
A small group of powerful people in the colony of upper Canada Along with friends and supporters were now know as Tories Defended tradition (The things that had always been done) and opposed change Believed power should be in the hands of a few capable people (themselves) Believed the Church of England should be powerful in the colony Were loyal to Great Britain and the British government Had power to stop any laws passed by the legislative assembly Most Family Compact members were British immigrants who arrived before the 1800’s

5 The Reformers What did they oppose?
Opposed the power of the Family Compact Wanted changes in government and society of Upper Canada Divided into moderate (led by Baldwin) and radical (led by Mackenzie)

6 Aftermath Upper Canada Rebellion was very short and disorganized
Bond Head was recalled in 1837 he was replaced with Sir George Arthur Lord Durham assigned to report grievances among the colonists and find a way to appease them Lord Durham’s report led to the Union of Upper and Lower Canada into the province of Canada in 1840

7 Lord Durham- The Durham Report

8 Durham Report Recommendations
The colonies should have control over their internal affairs (although he severely restricted the kind of legislation this could include). The Colonial Office should retain control of many areas including "the constitution of the form of government, the regulation of foreign relations and trade… and the disposal of the public lands.“ There must be responsible government, with a proper cabinet system as in Britain. Responsible government should only be given to an English-speaking majority (as he does not believe that French Canadians are ready). A program of education to make French Canadians more progressive. In order to assimilate French Canadians, there should be a union of the Canadas with the possibility of including the other British North American Colonies later.

9 The Durham Report- Flaws
Refers to French Canadians as backward and illiterate. Argues that irresponsible leaders easily manipulate them. Called the Canadiens “devoid of history and literature” They lacked in anything that elevates people Proposed assimilation of the French Thought this would eliminate racial antagonism that had paralyzed Lower Canada Thought it would give French Canadians more opportunity as English would be language of business and social promotion

10 Responsible Government!
Responsible government, in general terms, refers to a system in which the government is responsible to the electorate. More democratic Argued against appointment based on social status

11 The Act of Union (1841) Since the Rebellion wanted a better and responsible government British passed a law called the Act of Union The Act of Union joined Upper and Lower Canada as the united province – Canada West (UC) and Canada East (LC) The two aims of the British were to control the two colonies of Canada into one and give the English people control of the newly named colony and to have a new colony with a responsible government They also established English as the official language of government

12 Act of Union



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