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Leadership Development

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1 Leadership Development
Tools for Staff: Front-Line to Executive

2 Larry Minnix Leadership Academy at LeadingAge National
“The Larry Minnix Leadership Academy is a year-long leadership development program designed to enhance the leadership skills and core competencies of not-for-profit leaders within the LeadingAge membership.” Discuss: -Year-Long Program with 5 Trips -Includes: Leadership Education, Networking, Touring Other Aging Services Providers, Reflecting and FUN -Personal Investment -Authentic Self and Finding Yourself

3 How do we frame leadership?
Leadership is NOT having the answers. Leadership is NOT telling people what to do. Leadership is NOT a title. Leadership is helping individuals find solutions to their problems. Leadership is inspiring communities to face their issues. Leadership is creating a safe place for people to explore new ideas. Viewing leadership as adaptative work: “Adaptive work consists of the learning required to address conflicts in the values people hold, or to diminish the gap between the values people stand for and the reality they face. Adaptive work requires a change in values, beliefs, or behavior. The exposure and orchestration of conflict – internal contradictions – within individuals and constituencies provide the leverage for mobilizing people to learn new ways.’ What is leadership? ‘Imagine the differences in behavior when people operate with the idea that ‘leadership means influencing the community to follow the leader’s vision’ versus ‘leadership means influencing the community to face its problems.’ – Leadership Without Easy Answers

4 “What is on your mind?” Tool #1: Check-Ins
Check-Ins – a tool to get everyone on the same page before a meeting. Do NOT respond to another person’s check-in. Do NOT interrupt. Just give each person the space to say what they need to say.

5 Tool #2: The “U” Theory

6 Tool #3: Rule of 6 The Rule of Six is a Native American practice for expanding the possible theories we might hold about an event, or something that is challenging us.   It requires that we come up with six possible theories of what’s going on, and as we do, we expand the data we are conscious of.  Six ways to think about what we might call a problem.  Thus we are less likely to move forward precipitously and dangerously. – Judy Brown

7 Tool #4: Cone in the Box A B

8 Tool #4: Ladder of Inference

9 Tool #5: Visual Explorer Exercise
Visual Explorer is based on a sizable body of research and practice that shows the power of images and objects to enable effective dialogue about complex issues. It produces insights via random combinations of images from the card deck and one or more framing questions. As ideas and situations become more complex, words alone are not sufficient to convey our meaning and intent in any given situation. The images contained in Visual Explorer help by providing a visual vocabulary that helps us to express ourselves via metaphor, intuition and emotion. This process can help teams or groups to build consensus and agreement.

10 Tool #6: Notes of Appreciation
Notes of appreciation promote team-bonding, respect and gratitude. Totally free feel goods for a morale boost!

11 Readings and Source Material

12 “What got you excited today?”
Tool #1.5: Check-Outs “What got you excited today?” Check-Ins – a tool to get everyone on the same page before a meeting. Do NOT respond to another person’s check-in. Do NOT interrupt. Just give each person the space to say what they need to say.

13 Special Thanks To: Judy Brown Wendy Green Kevin Bradley BreAna Moss 2018 Green Team

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