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By Dan Morris, Mark Birch And Sam Brindley

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1 By Dan Morris, Mark Birch And Sam Brindley

2 Genre Horror. With it taking influences from films which have already been successes, such as the likes of ‘The Blair Witch Project’. We will use the camping idea which is included in this film whilst also making use of the hard to master method of ‘handheld’ filming. The famous climax to the film ‘The Blair Witch Project’

3 Audience 15+ We want to make the film seem scary to all. So we wouldn’t want to restrict our possible audience. 15+ would allow us to include certain elements which are more scary, so wouldn’t be as suitable for a younger audience. The references involved, such as the jokes, teenage activities, are also more suited to this age range.

4 Setting Woods- Typical horror setting. So we decided on a main Staffordshire wood, to do the filming within. We haven’t chosen the exact region of the woods to film in, but hopefully with dark lighting anything will look and seem scary to the viewer.

5 Characters Dan Mark Sam- Filmer of the handheld processes.
Extras- Other teenagers, to add to the camping feel, makes it seem more realistic.

6 Plot The film starts with someone inserting a video tape of the events which occurred during an unfortunate day camping. We then follow the occurrences throughout the day with a non-linear narrative following throughout in which normal time video is broken up with flashbacks or flash-forwards which show tension and worry, filmed with a handheld camera.

7 Techniques We decided to use aspects of handheld filming during the film, but by varying what is shown by this camera we can create a contrast of events which is visible. With the scarier parts being filmed with a handheld camera and the less scary more real life aspects being filmed in a typical film technique. Hopefully a handheld camera will create a realism, a more believable film for the viewer to watch.

8 Why is it unique? We wanted to use unique elements and ideas, which maybe haven't been used before together or in this way. We wanted the flashback idea to confuse and scare the viewer throughout and the fake scaring which is to be put in midway through will hopefully throw there assumptions, and what they expect to happen will not. The ending is also unique with the film title only appearing then, once the video is ejected.

9 End Shot Tape ejects here suddenly after the static has gone off the screen, revealing the films name and logo. It will then pause for a few seconds and then fade to black.


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