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Technology Transfer Leonardo da Vinci Project. Transfer of technological innovation in the context of cooperation between undertakings and universities.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Transfer Leonardo da Vinci Project. Transfer of technological innovation in the context of cooperation between undertakings and universities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Transfer Leonardo da Vinci Project

2 Transfer of technological innovation in the context of cooperation between undertakings and universities in continuing vocational training

3 -identification of skills and training needs in order to enable the transfer of technological innovations and their application - development of training content, tools and equipment to enable those responsible for technology transfer to gain a better understanding of technological innovations and their application Technology Transfer

4 Technology transfer responds to the following needs: - on the part of the universities the need to make full use of their human and material resources to be able to commercialize their R+D results through close cooperation with enterprises, especially SMEs, and thus also to supplement their meagre budgets, - on the part of the enterprises to encourage the spirit of innovation and to understand innovation as a prerequisite for increased competitiveness. Technology Transfer

5 The objective has been defined so as to meet the needs. It can be summed up as follows: development of the methodology and tools for the improvement of the application of innovation in SMEs through the encouragement of creativity and upgrading of the necessary skills of students, SME´s managers and employees. This results in the sustainable promotion of R+D at the universities, an efficient transfer of R+D results to enterprises, sustainable interest in innovation on the part of the enterprises and in the creation of the core of a network of innovative enterprises. Technology Transfer

6 The specific objectives: * development of innovative environments in enterprises, especially SMEs, through: - the design, testing and evaluation of modules to guide enterprises in the preparation and implementation of effective innovation plans; Technology Transfer

7 * development of innovative environments at universities and design of tools for the commercialization of their R&D potential through: - the adaptation of the modules for use in the engineering study programmes and in continuing education, - the upgrading of tools and infrastructure for university-enterprises cooperation; Technology Transfer

8 * promotion of university-enterprise cooperation in joint innovative projects through: - the design and testing of a model for the creation of joint university-enterprise teams for joint design of innovative projects. Technology Transfer

9 The direct beneficiaries include: - SMEs, universities, business innovation centres, science and technology parks and other institutions providing consultancy and supporting innovation processes, - regional and national education and training authorities, social partners, such as employment offices, - regional and national authorities involved in SME support programmes. Technology Transfer

10 Brunel University Brunel Science Park TechniChem Laboratory Corac Group University of Montpellier Sarl Prime Verre Sarl Am2e Hytec SA University of West Bohemia Business Innovation Centre

11 Technology Transfer Tato prezentace vznikla v rámci projektu Systém kariérového poradenství pro studenty vysokých škol v Plzeňském kraji (CZ.1.07/2.2.0/07.0214), který je realizován v letech 2009 - 2012. Tento projekt je spolufinancován z Evropského sociální fondu a státního rozpočtu České republiky.

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