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Welcome to Life Science

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Life Science"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Life Science
Ms. Sabbag

2 A little about me… Fifth year at TRMS BS in Dietetics, worked as a Registered Dietitian and Diabetes Educator before becoming a teacher Certified in middle school science and K-12 Phyiscal Education and Health I have a son who just started at KSU and another son who is a Junior at CHS

3 Course Outline Safety Skills, Scientific Inquiry Process & Metric System Characteristics of Life Cells & Cell Processes Genetics of DNA Evolution Classification Ecology Human Body Systems

4 Grading Scheme Major Assessments 40% Minor Assessments 30%
Quizzes, labs, small projects Classwork 20% Homework 10% Test re-takes are given only for 50% and below for a maximum grade of 70%

5 Homework Expectations
Frequency of homework will vary depending on the material and level of understanding. Not busy work!!! Please check your child’s agenda book daily. Points will be deducted for late work.

6 Make-Up Policy The student needs to check the Make-Up folders when they return from being absent They have one day for each day they were absent to complete the work It is the students responsibility to make sure they turn in the make up work on time.

7 Help Sessions Mornings by appointment
Before tests, large projects, or as needed During Real Time Working Lunch offered during large projects

8 Communication is the best way to contact me. My blog will be updated on Monday Mornings

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