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Learn about bidding the Facility Services Targeted Small Business Enterprise Tier 2 Program Welcome Confirm who is doing the speaking for each slide……

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Presentation on theme: "Learn about bidding the Facility Services Targeted Small Business Enterprise Tier 2 Program Welcome Confirm who is doing the speaking for each slide……"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learn about bidding the Facility Services Targeted Small Business Enterprise Tier 2 Program
Welcome Confirm who is doing the speaking for each slide……

2 Today’s agenda Introduction to Hennepin County Facility Services
Facility Services Targeted Small Business Enterprise Tier 2 Program explained Scope of work Expectations in performing the work Is this a good fit for your team? How to participate Purchasing lead

3 Locations Facility Services Lead
Hennepin County is the largest county in Minnesota by population with over a million residents. The role of Facility Services is to operate and maintain the county’s sites and facilities, plan for and modify these sites and facilities, and provide safety and security.

4 Introduction to Hennepin County Facility Services
The Hennepin County portfolio includes: 81 owned facilities 40 leased facilities 2 major campuses 3 buildings on 68 acres 14 buildings on 147 acres The Hennepin County portfolio includes: 87 owned facilities 39 leased facilities 2 major campuses 4 buildings on 60 acres 12 buildings on 145 acres Facility Services Lead Public Safety With all this square footage, we manage over XXX ASSET PRESERVATION projects annually – and you’re an integral part of that work!

5 Introduction to Hennepin County Facility Services
We build, manage, operate, and maintain safe and secure County buildings.

6 What is the Facility Services TSBE Tier 2 program?
Goal of the program is reduce disparities in income, employment, and education through close partnering with local businesses, educational programs, and industry. Focused on project work between $50,000 - $250,000 3 year master contract Projects solicited and awarded low bid Presenter :42:12 Facility Services Lead Hennepin County Facility Services is committed to reducing disparities and making a long-term impact

7 What is the intent of the Tier 2 program?
Project work bid to a pre-selected group of general contractors Contractors and staff are project ready Contractors and the county build a positive relationship Contractors gain proficiency, expertise, and capacity County receives quality work Facility Services Lead

8 What is the scope of work?
Roofing replacement and repair Concrete replacement and installation (flatwork) Tuckpointing Windows and doors replacement and refurbishment Interior remodeling – office space, ….. Facility Services Lead Describe the types of work included in the various bids

9 What is the scope of work?
Site work and landscaping modifications Mechanical equipment replacement: roof top units, motor controls, boilers, variable frequency drives, motors Electrical equipment replacement: lighting, branch wiring Code required building or building system modifications Facility Services Lead Describe the types of work included in the various bids

10 Is this a good fit for my team?
GOAL of these two slides- have the contractor 1. Know if it’s a good fit for them business wise (do they have the right certification) 2. Know if it’s a good fit for them from the standpoint of their employees Facility Services Lead business requirements personnel requirements

11 What should I expect? Will receive a statement of work or project manual & drawings describing scope Attend pre-bid walkthrough Submit bid Lowest bidder will receive signed Notice to Proceed Coordinate work with other contractors and county staff Close-out work and invoice promptly Facility Services Lead

12 What is the county looking for?
Preparedness Leadership Safety Responsiveness Team work Adhere to scope, schedule and budget Occupied space? OSHA? Communication/language requirements? This is what we’d like you to come to the table with Facility Service lead

13 Performance expectations
Visit the site & understand field conditions (Article 3.3.2) Permitting and compliance with laws (Article 3.3.7) Employ a competent Project Manager to administer the agreement and represent the contract; No substitutions w/o approval by Hennepin County (Article 3.3.9) Employ a competent Superintendent and assistants who shall be at the site during the performance of work; No substitutions w/o approval by Hennepin County (Article 3.3.9) Facility Services Lead Describe the types of work included in the various bids

14 Performance expectations
May have to coordinate with Hennepin County and other vendors (Article 6) Changes to work approved via writing before commencing (Article 7) Substantial completion form and process (Article 9.9.8) Final completion form and final payment process (Article ) Must have a Safety Director in house or hired (Article 10) Facility Services Lead Describe the types of work included in the various bids

15 How do I participate? submission requirements contract requirements
GOAL of these two slides- have the contractor 1. Know if it’s a good fit for them business wise (do they have the right certification) 2. Know if it’s a good fit for them from the standpoint of their employees Facility Services Lead contract requirements submission requirements

16 Contractor requirements
Certified Small Business (SBE) – General Contractors with maximum $3,000,000 annual gross receipts as reported to the CERT Program Completed two (2) commercial or two (2) public projects within the last 2 years in the range and scope of this program Current with business registration with the Minnesota secretary of state Have valid license for any specialty work self performed by the business Facility Services Lead Describe the types of work included in the various bids

17 Contractor requirements
Submit Responsible Contractor Verification form Execute Hennepin County’s Master Agreement for the Tier 2 program Have current Experience Modification Rate (EMR) no greater than 2.0 Performance & payment bonds required for bid amounts exceeding $175,000 Facility Services Lead Describe the types of work included in the various bids EMR is a number used by insurance companies to gauge past cost of injuries and future probabilities of risk.

18 Contractor requirements
$2 Million Commercial General Liability Prevailing wage required and documented through certified payrolls to LCP Tracker for projects over $175,000 Affirmative Action (AA) workforce and SBE subcontracting goals required for all projects over $100,000 AA and SBE participation monitored through two on-line compliance systems – B2GNow and LCPTracker Liquidated damages may be specified for some projects Facility Services Lead Describe the types of work included in the various bids EMR is a number used by insurance companies to gauge past cost of injuries and future probabilities of risk.

19 Contractor requirements
Monthly workforce submitted to B2Gnow database All contractor/subcontractor personnel must complete and pass a Basic Level background check at contractor’s expense. Additional background checks may be required for some county facilities. The county will cover that additional expense. Facility Services Lead Describe the types of work included in the various bids EMR is a number used by insurance companies to gauge past cost of injuries and future probabilities of risk.

20 How do I submit a proposal?
Review the request for qualifications carefully before you submit Qualifications packages due: 12:00 p.m. (CST), July 2, 2019 Submit your qualifications packages to: Hennepin County Purchasing and Contract Services, A-1730 300 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN Sarah Lead

21 What is the timeline? 6/24 by 3 p.m. all questions due
6/27 addenda posted (if any) 7/2 by 12 p.m. all qualification packages due Follow-up with qualified bidders and contract awards Contractor onboarding July 29 anticipated projects ready to bid

22 Who do I contact during bidding?
Questions regarding RFQ documents, scope of work, or terms: and All questions due Monday, June 24 by 3 p.m. Sarah Lead

23 Thank you! Thank you for taking time to review this material. Hennepin County appreciates your commitment to providing professional contracting services and to the safety and well being of your staff, county employees and the public that frequent our facilities.

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