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Agenda of the 10th Workshops of the EU RL for equine diseases

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1 Agenda of the 10th Workshops of the EU RL for equine diseases
ANSES-Dozulé Laboratory for Equine diseases ANSES-Maisons-Alfort laboratory for Animal Health Equine infectious anaemia 12th of September 2018 Dourine 13th of September 2018 09: :30 REGISTRATION 09: :50 Opening and participant introduction/ website actualities/social event 09: :15 Preliminary views of the Commission on Equine diseases categorisation (Provisional title) (Alf-Eckbert Füssel, EC) 10: :30 Overview of Equine infectious anaemia in Europe ( A. Hans, ANSES, France) 10: :00 EIA 2017 outbreaks in NRls Spain: (M.V. Castro Cuello, Central Veterinary Laboratory ) - Netherlands (E. Weesendorp, WUR) 11: :30 COFFEE BREAK 11: :45 Molecular characterisation of EIAV french strains ( A. Hans, ANSES France) 11: :15 Contribution of enrichment systems for a better molecular characterization of pathogens" (N. Berthet, Institut Pasteur, France) 12: :30 EIA whole-genome Sequencing by SureSelect Target Enrichment (A. Deshière, ANSES, France) 12:30 – 12:50 EIA surveillance program in Italy (M. T. Scicluna ,IZSRLT, Italy) 12: :30 LUNCH 14:30 – 15:00 EIA surveillance in NRLs Romania (I. Plamadeala, IDAH) Germany (P. Koenig, FLI) 15:00 – 15:15 Development and validation of the EU-RL EIA reference sera (D. Gaudaire – ANSES France) 15: :45 Outcome of proficiency test on EIA serology (D. Gaudaire, ANSES France) 15:45 – 16:00 General discussion 09: :30 REGISTRATION 09: :50 Opening and participant introduction/website actualities 09: :15 Preliminary views of the Commission on Equine diseases categorisation (Provisional title) (Alf-Eckbert Füssel, EC) 10:15-10:40 Activity report on dourine: scientific news, reagents production… (Laurent Hébert, ANSES, France) 10:40-11:00 Project of OIE Codes and Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals chapter on Dourine modifications (François Diaz, OIE, France) 11: :30 COFFEE BREAK 11: :00 USA Activities on dourine diagnosis and reagent production (Provisional title) (Amber Gustafson, USDA, USA) 12:00 – 12:20 Dourine diagnosis in Argentina and “Mal de Caderas-Surra” horses infection (Teótimo Becú, Clinica Equina SRL,Laboratorio Equino,Argentina) Provisional title 12:20 – 12:40 Updates and lessons from the 2011 dourine outbreak in Italy. (Provisional title) (Ilaria Pascucci, IZS Teramo, Italy) 12: :00 Melarsomine hydrochloride (Cymelarsan®) failed to eliminate T. equiperdum from the CSF of experimentally infected horses (L. Hébert, ANSES, France) 13: :00 LUNCH 14: :30 Surra: epidemiology and diagnostic challenges (Provisional title) (Philippe Buscher, ITM Antwerp, Belgium) 14: :00 Outcome of the proficiency test about serology of Dourine (L. Hébert, ANSES, France) 15:00 – 15:15 Set-up of ELISA for dourine (A. Madeline, ANSES, France) 15: :30 General discussion On Wednesday, the 12th of september 17:00 pm: Visit Zoo of the Jardin des Plantes in Paris 20:00 pm: Convivial dinner : Brasserie Bofinger

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