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The expression of two forms of N-cadherin.

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1 The expression of two forms of N-cadherin.
The expression of two forms of N-cadherin. (A) Two different forms of N-cadherin were present in MDCK cells. In the cells transfected with WT Gα12, the major N-cadherin was the early mature form (white arrow), but in constitutively active Gα12QL cells, the major form was the late one (black arrowhead). (B) In Mx1Cre+Pkd1f/fGα12−/− mouse kidney tissue, with increased age, the late form was also increased. (C) In the APPKD patient kidney tissue, the majority of N-cadherin was also the late form. Yong Wu et al. J Cell Sci 2016;129: © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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